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Got Wood.
Aug 5, 2007
Well I posted on another thread that I was looking for paint to restore a Lang 84 Deluxe that a buddy and I picked up for a business venture. I said I'd reply back to let everyone know how the paint did and I can't find the thread. So here goes... We picked this cooker up in sad shape and cleaned everything thoroughly, got a lot of the rust and all the gunk out with a brush burner. We had the rest sandblasted, sprayed a cleaner to get any residue or oil off, and hit it with 11 cans of 2000* Rustoleum over 2 days. It turned out beautiful, and still under $2500 when all was said and done. Cooked 2 racks of spares, a rack of beef ribs and a chicken on it Tuesday and loved the way everything turned out. Here are the pics everyone wants to see. So far I highly recommend the 2000* Rustoleum. I picked it up at Autozone as an engine paint, and was unable to find anything past 500* at Lowe's. Enjoy.

Before Pics:

That was after 6 cans. Got all the other spots since. Will post the pics of the cook in a day or two. They're on a friends camera.
Nice looking rig you got there. In the future is it possible for you to post pictures up and down and not side to side? Took like 5 minutes to scroll to the right! :tape:
Very Nice Work :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I love how my my Lang cooks.
Thanks guys. I'm really loving the way this thing cooks, and will definitely be posting pics in the future.

Now that's what I call a restoration, very nice indeed. Did you hire someone to do the blasting or did you do it yourself?
We got a local auto shop to do the blasting. We were quoted $30/hr, and I think it was around $210 when it was done. Well worth it.