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is one Smokin' Farker
Sep 21, 2009
San Jose, Ca
Name or Nickame
I scored a 20x30 from CL last week, major score considering Klose pits are few and far between out here. Sweeeet! This is what it looked like when I picked it up. I've since cleaned it and cooked on it a few times. I have gained a whole new respect for those who burn sticks, it sure aint easy! I have a steep learning curve ahead that's for sure. I'm going to experiment with burning lump ala minion method and see how it works. The pit is small enough, hopefully it will work. We'll see.

Of course I do have questions for the brethren...

1. The smoke stack is in two parts, a top and bottom, you can see in the pic. Is this something that may have been custom ordered or did Dave Klose make all of them like this at one point? Supposedly this pit was bought new 13 years ago. It has a "23" etched on the inside.

2. The pit also has a baffle inside. Was this also a custom add on or did they all come like this? I was glad to see it because I was already planning on making one. Now I don't have to!

Thanks everybody. I feel like I just won the lottery!


The inside was rusty but I took a wire wheel to it and reseasoned the grates, like new now.

Congrats JT !!!

get a coat of hi-heat paint and it will look like new !!

Don't know about the history of the 2 part exhaust... My Pitts & Spitts had a 2 pc. exhaust..

I'd say the baffle is standard based on all the others I've seen.

I've been lovin' my Klose... Just got a 1/4 cord delivery of wood yesterday - 75% oak / 25% cherry...
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I can't believe how much the thing weighs, oh man it's heavy! Gotta be at least 5/600 pounds. And this is the small one.
I would guess the 2 part exhaust is for shipping ez.
The steak grill/door is a nice option.
I pre heat the wood on top of this door.
I assume you have a raised grate.
Congrats on the Klose score.
Good score and have fun with that cooker. I did the same thing with the exhaust on my COS. Transport was the reason. The thing wouldn't fit in the van with the tall pipe.
Awesome score. Did you get a good deal on it? The only problem I can see is you'll want a bigger one down the road someday. Otherwise that pit could last you for life! :cool:
great score, I was looking at one when I was shopping. It was between them and a Gator. Just couldn't pull the trigger because of the price. Found one that is close to quality in a Lyfe Tyme Pit, but you scored big time. Enjoy! The learning curve is fun, you just have to realize it won't necessarily hold a constant temp because the wind picks up or dies down. But it will hold within 10-15 degrees constant. On one that size, I used Lump for heat and chunks of wood for smoke.
Yea I got a good deal on it. Half the price of a new one plus I didn't have to pay shipping or drive to Houston to get it. The owner was just a couple of hours away. Good thing the exhaust broke down because it wouldn't have fit in my enclosed trailer. Between this and the 2 UDS' I've made I think I'm going to have one fine summer!

Also, forgot to add, I'm going to do a refurb on it with a wire wheel to the rust, paint, oil, etc. BUT I'm going to wait until I get a new camera so I can take pics to show all you brethren. My last camera melted when I got too close to a ribeye action shot. I had my gloves on and didn't feel the heat until I saw the smoke. Haha lesson learned. New camera then Klose refurb!
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