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Take a breath!
Apr 28, 2008
Carvel, AB Canada
I came across an ad for a Weber knoockoff and the person was asking $40 stating they were $140 new at Home depot. I emailed and explaine dthat a Weber might be worth that but a knock goes for considerably less. I offered $20 explaining I buy them for parts to make smokers. When I got there I was surprised to find out its a 26" not a 22" and its barely been used. I got the usual stuff thrown in as well - half bag of charcoal, lighter fluid, wire brush and charcoal tongs. Now all I need is a 85 gallon drum to make an uber UDS. If not I may just use it as my daily grill.


Edit: Forgot the pic
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Man... I'd love to score like that. I can get an 85 gal drum anytime (I've got one in my basement right now I'm going to use as a outside skin for an insulated UDS), but the 26" grills are hard and/or expensive to find.