First off, apologies for starting a new thread. I should have appended this to the mega-UDS thread as it's nothing new that I'm doing. Was a grilling/beer/drill/build-some-crap night when I posted the original thread starter!
Alright. Had a weekend down in Tennessee for my birthday hanging out on Norris lake thanks to the wife. Took this week off just because...and to work on a smoker. heh.
I hit up Harbor Freight last week before starting this and got the step bits. Those have been friggin' life savers during this process. Not to mention new flap disks for my handheld grinder to clean up all the holes.
Ashmont: Yup, then again all of our friends live in the next county over and think it's a "drive" to get to us. Guess we'll have to put some fire to some meat, let the smell waft down the block and find some new friends! :heh:
Blues_N_Cues: I'm down that way every year for the Highland Games, let me know when the group cookout is. Will have to head down for that as well!
I have been trying to get in touch with the schmo who has my welder but they will not answer phone or email. I ended up wire-tying the basket to an 18.5 Weber charcoal grate. I ran out of bolts to do both sides of the expanded metal so had to wire tie one side. I know, looks bad but will bolt/weld at some point.
For the legs of the basket, the local TrueValue hardware store had stainless steel all thread in 36" lengh. I snagged that and 6 large washers, 6 flat washers and 12 nuts. Cut the rod down to 4" sections and attached to a pizza pan I found at Meijers or somewhere.
It needs some work. Will get it fixed soon.
Here's it all finished up:
The garage pic prior to the first set of fire in the basket
The patio shot with it all fired up trying to test the temp.