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Midnight Smoke

somebody shut me the fark up.
Jan 24, 2008
Southern Arizona Desert
Gave Chris's Foil Hat Rub a try, very tasty! :thumb:





Ya know, with the hundreds of different ways I've made chicken over the years, one of my favorites is still just a good rub, good coals, and a good sauce. Can't beat it!
Very nicely done! :clap2:
Perfect as always Terry! I've got some Moose #2 the next time I try chicken. I might have to use that and Foil Hat side-by-side. With friends like these I may never have to mix my own!

Let me know how you like Moose#2, Gore!
Let me know how you like Moose#2, Gore!

You know I will as soon as I can get some chicken on the menu. We've had two sets of company over the past two weeks and that means lots of leftovers and my wife has a catering next week and wants to test out the menu on the guinea pigs here, but I promise you will know the next time I have chicken! Sorry Terry, back to the regularly scheduled hijack.
Thanks for the comments. :smile: I have really been missing some good cooks by not using the Egg for more than Lo-n-Slo. It still is a challenge for me, seems that the fire tends to grow hot very fast, even with the bottom vent closed when turning or saucing. Not so bad with a few pieces like tonight, but try it when you have a full grate and the temps really jump.
Midnight Smoke, Nice looking chicken. And its cool how you can try different salted flavor rubs, I'm jealous.
Sometimes we need to be brought back to earth and shown the basics done right.
Terry, that's some GREAT looking food there!

Wow, great looking chicken. Reminds me that I really love bbqed chicken myself, especially the thighs. Family (all girls - wife and two daughters) only want boneless, skinless, breasts so I pretty much never buy anything else. This inspires me to add some thighs to my shopping list. BTW, what sauce did you use?
Sometimes we need to be brought back to earth and shown the basics done right.
Terry, that's some GREAT looking food there! Arlin

Thanks Arlin, I agree that just some good old fashion Grilling can be very rewarding!

BTW, what sauce did you use?

Thanks, I have all kinds of sauces, on these it was just some Honey Kraft.