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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 23, 2004
DFW, San AntonioTx
I made a suggestion based on frustration yesterday, that I'm not unhappy about this morning. Post #51 in this thread:

I pretty much gave up on the BoD several months ago. After 24 hrs. I think it's a better idea now, than it was then.

As a member, I've become frustrated with the continued bickering that has been public and private. I'm tired of the email campaigns about 'so and so did this', or 'they are going to....', that are based on rumor or leaked information. I appreciate those members that have chosen to spend time and money to serve on the board. It's a thankless job, for sure. Unfortunately, it seems to have mirrored our elected leadership in Washington. It's now a blood sport in so many ways. It's a vicious cycle, that I don't see a break in unless the membership does something about it.

The solution that I'm offering, is to start cleaning house. I will not, under any circumstances vote for any candidate that has served on the board within the previous 5 years. I want to elect a member that has fresh eyes, new ideas, and is eager to work for the benefit of the organization and the membership. 4-5 new members, that are free of established alliances can make a difference in the direction and tone of the meetings.

The partnership that was recently announced is an example of some of the opportunities that are out there. I applaud the current board and MMA of making that happen. I would like to see the next board able to focus on other partnerships, and how to best take advantage of those opportunities without being encumbered by political gamesmanship. There are opportunities to improve or expand education and the promotion of BBQ, as well as enhance competition. To truly take advantage of those opportunities, requires a board that's able to work together and focus on what's important to the membership.

As members, we get the representation that we deserve. If, as a group, we send the message that we are tired of the way things have been handled we are justified in expecting a change. If we don't get the change we desire we need to send the message again. At the end of 2 years that's a potential change in 9 seats, and a voting majority. Speaking for myself, at the end of that period of time I'm comfortable with voting with my feet and wallet and leaving KCBS if it's still a political game with the same bickering.

That's my solution. I'd welcome any feedback, and any help anyone would be willing to offer. When you are at a contest, take a few minutes to talk to other teams. If you are judging, then take a moment to talk to other judges about making a change. Share the idea on other forums you may belong to.

I appreciate the time you've taken out of your day, to read my rant:laugh:
Other than being a KCBS member who can vote, I don't really have a dog in the fight. I agree that from the outside, where I sit, things look ugly as you describe. There are a lot of votes and fights on issues that really are not important to keeping KCBS running well from my perspective. I believe your method is a very reasonable solution to that problem.

Now, let's wait for the eventual response from someone saying that we are too small to see the big picture and have no clue what the real issues are and we should shut up. I can't wait to hear that one.

Though we have never met I have come to have a lot of respect for you based on how you serve on these forums. I do want to push you a bit on your post but my response is not intended to challenge your integrity. It's just my thoughts :thumb:

I understand that there is some drama in the BoD. Quite honestly I find it all a bit silly. However, I wonder how we can conclude that because there is drama and some childish behavior in the board room those who serve on the BoD at this time should simply be replaced? The fact is that KCBS is growing at an alarming rate - and the contests are bringing in record numbers of people. Why would anyone want to replace leadership at a time when all the indicators suggest that things are running well - even if the process itself is like making sausage? The fact is I don't care if the process is ugly - I concentrate on the final results.

If we can conclude that the BoD is unable to perform their tasks then by all means let's "vote them all out." But it seems to me that things are going pretty well, all things considered.

This forum has to take some of the responsibility for what's happening in the BoD. Folks with some pretty obvious agendas seem to have a lot at stake in tearing the BoD apart. Lots of second guessing, heresay, and false or misleading accusations get slung around on the Brethren. Maybe we should clean up our own house before dismantling the BoD.

All right - what do I know? I hope you all read this in the spirit in which I offer it to you. Peace.


Though we have never met I have come to have a lot of respect for you based on how you serve on these forums. I do want to push you a bit on your post but my response is not intended to challenge your integrity. It's just my thoughts :thumb:

I understand that there is some drama in the BoD. Quite honestly I find it all a bit silly. However, I wonder how we can conclude that because there is drama and some childish behavior in the board room those who serve on the BoD at this time should simply be replaced? The fact is that KCBS is growing at an alarming rate - and the contests are bringing in record numbers of people? Why would anyone want to replace leadership at a time when all the indicators suggest that things are running well - even if the process itself is like making sausage? The fact is I don't care if the process is ugly - I concentrate on the final results.

If we can conclude that the BoD is unable to perform their tasks then by all means let's "vote them all out." But it seems to me that things are going pretty well, all things considered.

This forum has to take some of the responsibility for what's happening in the BoD. Folks with some pretty obvious agendas seem to have a lot at stake in tearing the BoD apart. Lots of second guessing, heresay, and false or misleading accusations get slung around on the Brethren. Maybe we should clean up our own house before dismantling the BoD.

All right - what do I know? I hope you all read this in the spirit in which I offer it to you. Peace.


I offered my solution, in part, because I AGREE with a lot of what you've pointed out.

Some of the heresay, accusations, and half truths are starting with the BoD. Somebody shares something in confidence, and it ends up getting repeated. I've had stuff filter down that I know came from different camps on the board. That is part of the political gamesmanship I referred to.

While things appear to be running well, and I will agree that lots of good things are happening, I don't believe that the bickering that has gone on in public, in private, and been leaked contributes to an environment that allows the board and to make the most of opportunities that are there now and will be in the future. The board has been spending too much time on political BS, and not enough time on strategic planning and execution of the same to take advantage of the window that is currently open. There are wounds, and alliances that I don't see dissipating without a dramatic change. That's not a BoD I want managing the dramatic growth and opportunity that we agree exists.

I want a Board of Directors, and not a Board of Managers.

As a forum moderator, I'll take some of the heat for a valid point you've made. Everybody is right on the internet, and it's easy to voice discontent with authority from a keyboard. I get it and agree.

I appreciate the feedback and your perspective! I'm making my case, and I WANT/NEED to hear dissenting opinions.
I offered my solution, in part, because I AGREE with a lot of what you've pointed out.

Some of the heresay, accusations, and half truths are starting with the BoD. Somebody shares something in confidence, and it ends up getting repeated. I've had stuff filter down that I know came from different camps on the board. That is part of the political gamesmanship I referred to.

While things appear to be running well, and I will agree that lots of good things are happening, I don't believe that the bickering that has gone on in public, in private, and been leaked contributes to an environment that allows the board and to make the most of opportunities that are there now and will be in the future. The board has been spending too much time on political BS, and not enough time on strategic planning and execution of the same to take advantage of the window that is currently open. There are wounds, and alliances that I don't see dissipating without a dramatic change. That's not a BoD I want managing the dramatic growth and opportunity that we agree exists.

I want a Board of Directors, and not a Board of Managers.

As a forum moderator, I'll take some of the heat for a valid point you've made. Everybody is right on the internet, and it's easy to voice discontent with authority from a keyboard. I get it and agree.

I appreciate the feedback and your perspective! I'm making my case, and I WANT/NEED to hear dissenting opinions.

Jorge in 2011...

Oh and I decided not to go to Shannon... :boxing:
I made a suggestion based on frustration yesterday, that I'm not unhappy about this morning. Post #51 in this thread:

I appreciate the time you've taken out of your day, to read my rant

It is not a rant.

As I said earlier, when people like youself will start to step forward I believe it will make a difference. I was not going to renew in 2011. I will give you that same 2 year commitment to KCBS that you are making. And come 2013, assuming the Mayans are not correct, will make further decisions regarding KCBS at that time.
Jorge in 2011...

Oh and I decided not to go to Shannon... :boxing:

After a PM from a certain mod, who will go nameless.... I am retracting this ill advised comment... Jorge sucks and I personally wouldn't recommend him for the BOD... So I will start a "Vote No to Jorge" campaign. :redface: :doh: :thumb:

On the subject matter. I agree. It's all getting old. We kept hearing about the rallying cry of everyone in the last election, making such a point of how they were 'cooks'... Honestly, I do not know how this kind of stuff helps us 'cooks'...
Fortunately we are not affected much by KCBS out here in the left hand corner...but I am a member...I do have a vote. I base my vote on the climate within this forum.

That said...I'm not a big fan of political bickering...PERIOD! If a decision is made by a with tie...all tie...:cool:

Jorge has my vote...go get 'em brother smoker! :thumb:
While I agree with your idea I'm afraid some practical concerns may impact it. For example MMA has a contract with the KBCS. I have not read but from what I've gleamed talking with many BOD members over the past 2 years it knid of looks like they have a lot of power to negotiate the deal and bring it to the BOD for approval.

So if the SAMS deal was for a TOY and a number of "special SAMS contests" and other stuff like member discounts or new meats being carried in stores or some cash directly to the KCBS for providing demos at stores well that's the deal. Now MMA negotiated it and the BOD is left with take it or we go public that KCBS turned down a half million deal with SAMS. NOT saying this is what happened but I listened to the April podcast and it was clear the BOD had no idea what the deal was but it was nearly completed. Now some members may have known more than others but that's just speculation on my part. And please note that while MMA also represents a number of cooks and others asscoiated with BBQ I'm sure that they would never do something against the best interests of the KCBS to please another client.
I think the first step here is maybe informing the members that they have a vote. I'm pretty slow, so I was not aware that I could vote on such matters.

Sometimes with bigger organizations, members assume there are area reps that vote on BoD stuff, not membership as a whole.
While I agree with your idea I'm afraid some practical concerns may impact it. For example MMA has a contract with the KBCS. I have not read but from what I've gleamed talking with many BOD members over the past 2 years it knid of looks like they have a lot of power to negotiate the deal and bring it to the BOD for approval.

So if the SAMS deal was for a TOY and a number of "special SAMS contests" and other stuff like member discounts or new meats being carried in stores or some cash directly to the KCBS for providing demos at stores well that's the deal. Now MMA negotiated it and the BOD is left with take it or we go public that KCBS turned down a half million deal with SAMS. NOT saying this is what happened but I listened to the April podcast and it was clear the BOD had no idea what the deal was but it was nearly completed. Now some members may have known more than others but that's just speculation on my part. And please note that while MMA also represents a number of cooks and others asscoiated with BBQ I'm sure that they would never do something against the best interests of the KCBS to please another client.

Fair point. I do not know the details of the proposed deal with Sam's Club. I used that simply to illustrate the potential that is out there that could benefit the organization and the membership.

I think this topic alone may be worthy of a separate thread.
After a PM from a certain mod, who will go nameless.... I am retracting this ill advised comment... Jorge sucks and I personally wouldn't recommend him for the BOD... So I will start a "Vote No to Jorge" campaign. :redface: :doh: :thumb:

You are weak!
Jorge and I spoke of this thread on the phone (among several other topics) as he developed it.

I told him I would "Ponder" any responce I had---that is just the way I am.

So, I have been Pondering for a day or two.

This morning, a thread was started here that solved the Pondering for me.

It is time for all of the old guard to go from the BOD and to get back to just representing the membership and quit playing games.
Political posturing on-line is just BS! :mad2:

I am with Jorge on this one.

And--I do not want him on the BOD!
So far, he is sane and I want to keep him that way! :-D

Jorge, you and I do not see Eye to Eye with... no, wait, in fact we hate each other.
However.......... based on what I know about you, I would actually REJOIN KCBS to vote you in. I think you would make a great leader!I will go on record as someone you but heads with all the time, I totally agree with you 100%.

Frankly. Texas should officially secede from KCBS entirely.