• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Intro: The Pit Pirate's Off-set Smoker Mods and Ribs

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Hey guys I go by The Pit Pirate and I'm a Carolina boy trapped in a Nothern Virginia area. I just started Smoking this year but have been a Grill Head for many years. I did my homework and as my Daddy told me to do. "Think twice, move once" and because of that everything has come out great.

My current Smoker is a 2004 Char-broil Silver Smoker from Home Depot for about $148.00. I use Kingsford coals and Hickory wood for the most part.

I love creating Rubs, Mops and Sauces but most of all I enjoy watching people enjoy my food.

Oh, and I'm banned at thebbqforum.com
Gotta be proud of something. lol


heh heh
You said "Show us yer meat."

Thanks for the welcome

Oh, I got banned for saying I was a web developer and offering to make logos for a few people.
Big crime.

Welcome Mr. Pirate!

Glad to have you aboard! I'm sure you would have to do some pretty dastardly things before we made you walk the plank here. As long as you've got a sense of humor, you will fit right in!

Welcome again!
I'm a one legged dewd that doesn't run fast so I don't start any trouble. I was hit and run on my 1996 Harley Fatboy...driver never caught.

A guy said my logo was awesome and how much would I charge to make him one. I said Free and a link to a mock up image got posted and....Out the door I went.

One thing you will quickly learn about me is I am one funny mother farker.

Ugh, I just went and checked out thebbqforum.com. I can't beleive anyone is still using that ancient and crappy forum layout from 1995. I pains me to look at it.

I'm not a web developer, I'm a network engineer. I'm the guy that makes sure you can get to the webpage. I'm like an internet plumber, crack and all.

I guess you're not riding anymore pirate?
I still ride but don't have a bike yet..silly wife wanted a House, Cars and now a Boat. I'll get another one day.

I have a forum system with a friend much like the software here and it is very flexable. He knows the "plumbing" and I am the art and idea man. We just moved things around to an upgrade and I will make the graphics this week. It a set of forums for sports junkies and we run free office style pools through out the year. Football season is coming and that pool is a blast. All are welcome and like this place you just have to reg. I go by my real name of Mike Hedrick

Ray is a NAZI Mod.

I may at some point repost just the original URL to the smoker mods if I see there are any off-set smoker types looking for info.

Ok, so it's all about me huh? Well, to know me is to love me to let me tell you a little about me.

I'm a rocker and a roller and a way out of controller.

Here is my band web site.

Here is a page about my crash 7 years ago. I'm perfectly fine about the whole thing so never shy away from the subject.

Nice to meet ya'll!

Welcome Mike..
Glad to have you with us...we are all about Q,
helping others while learning ourselves, with a spot
of BS here and there.
MikeG said:
Welcome Mike..
Glad to have you with us...we are all about Q,
helping others while learning ourselves, with a spot
of BS here and there.

A spot of BS?

Understatement of the year Mod
Welcome Brother Mike, we've got a few musicians here and they haven't thrown us out yet. Pop a top and join the party!
Well, it just took you two farking weeks to find your way here! LOL I sent you an email telling you about "The Brothers" and what a good bunch we are. Did you change your mods? I sure wasn't happy you was going to go ahead and try to use the galvanized metal. We've got a lot to share with you here, so ask away!
Glad you finally made the trip over to us!
kcquer said:
Welcome Brother Mike, we've got a few musicians here and they haven't thrown us out yet. Pop a top and join the party!

LOL, KC, I think I told him that in the email!
Hey guys...I can feel the love.

Sidekick yeah it took me a bit to get here...but I'm here!
What do you want for nothing? A Rubber Biscut?
Bow bow bow.

I was meeting some nice folks at the other place till Ray cop'd a 'tude. It's a major disservice he is doing to those folks by not letting web guys help. Have you seen many of the BBQ Team sites? A 10 year old could make them.

I think our brothers of the Pit deserve the best.

Heck I want BBQ Teams to do GREAT so when I have a Team I have something to shoot for.

Let's help BBQ step it ALL up a notch!

hey, if you dont get banned for showing your meat
you'll more than likely be safe here!!
welcome aboard
Look at it this way Mike, you got a legitimate excuse to make everyone else run for the beer while you tend the pit.

Welcome aboard, Shipwreck.
Welcome, quite a crash, Brother. By the way, Chad has some leg parts burried in his back yard.
Well, if he comes after my leg he will have to explain how he lost an Ass Kicking Contest to a one legged man.

The crash was brutal dewd. I looked like a yard sale in the road with stuff everywhere.

I have to give credit for my healing to Jesus Christ though.

Thanks for the welcome.
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