• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

I'll Be MIA for a few days.....


somebody shut me the fark up.
Oct 21, 2003
The Belly Brothers BBQ team makes their debut this weekend at the Boone's Lick KCBS BBQ contest. Brother KC is coming down so we can keep each other awake while we babysit the butts and briskets. As the days get closer, the nerves are becoming more frazzled. If I keep setting here in front of the PC, I'll never get stuff ready! LOL

I've gone back and done a search for some past winners, and their have been winners from Texas, Kansas, and Minnesota. We may be up against a level of competition that I wasn't expecting, especially for our first cookoff. We'll give it our best try, eat a bunch of Q, and make new friends. I bet KC drinks a Beck's or two. I'll be taking 2 bottles of No Doze!

So when you don't see any posts from myself or KC for a few days, it's because we're giving it out best shot at trying to do as well as Phil and Greg. And if we do place, it will be as if the Brothers were there cooking with us, as many of the tips and tricks that we've learned have come from right here on the board. Collectively, we are the Brothers In Smoke!!

So I'm going into Getting Down To Business Mod, and we'll be sure to keep you posted as to how we did! I know 400+ brothers have got our backs! Thanks guys!
Bro Kick, Thanks for the invite. Great way to get our feet wet. Thanks to everybody who's written posts I've learned from, answered questions and provided advice. Without the wisdom freely passed around this site the thought of competing would just be a joke.
First place, last place or whatever inbetween doesn't matter as much to me as being a good ambassador for the Brethren and making everybody here proud we were there to represent.
Thanks for the xtra luck, we'll need a good dose of that too!!
Good Luck
You two are winners no matter what
a judge may think!!
I'll be stopping in to see you guys on Saturday. Good Luck!
Your motto: Veni, Vedi, Beer-ci (we came, we saw, we drank some beer). Best of luck to you guys.
Hey Mr. Kick,

Where is this competition at (directions)? Is there a web site with the details?
Relax! Don't let anyone psych you!! Yeah, they'll try.

Stick to what you know works and see how is pans out. Keep the eyes open and listen to what the other competitors AREN'T telling you, too!

Good luck! Have fun! Take pictures! :mrgreen:
Bro Kick and Scott-
I am glad it is you two and not me following the "Greg and Phil show" :lol:
Tough act to follow.
But, you will do great :D :D :D :D :D :D
As I have been told: "Just breathe Brother, breathe"
Have fun and keep us posted.
kcquer said:
Bro Kick, Thanks for the invite. Great way to get our feet wet. Thanks to everybody who's written posts I've learned from, answered questions and provided advice. Without the wisdom freely passed around this site the thought of competing would just be a joke.
First place, last place or whatever inbetween doesn't matter as much to me as being a good ambassador for the Brethren and making everybody here proud we were there to represent.
Thanks for the xtra luck, we'll need a good dose of that too!!

Here my .02 cents while still in my head.


Night before write down.
what your cookin
the rub your using on it
the sauce your using on it
the time youneed to start prepping it
and the time you need to put it in the pit
and finally how long before turn in you need to start assembly.
I glazed everything i submitted.. sliced it, glazed it, returned it to the pit inot the hot spot to carmelize the glaze. So i had to start preppin half our before turnin.

What happened to us was we got sidetracked doing stuff. We wanted to time the food to come out as close to turnin as possible, but the line "Oh POOPIE, we shoulve had the ribs in by now.. or Uh oh, I gotta get the chivcen marinading"..... was there each time. Just give yourself a time line so you can refer to it and know what you should be doing. It sounds lame, but believe me, so much will be going on that you can get distracted.

Also, i dont make my rub in batchs. i make it on the food, right out of the containers. This gives me a tendancy to experiment, and i almost did that on the ribs.... . Dont!!! Know EXACTLY what your going to use. I Had to put a few things down. Dont experiment... use only what you know.... when your in yard, Maybe I'll try this" works great, but you odnt want to find out it dont work just before you give it to a judge.

Good luck Ladies.. we be pullin for ya!!!
Dang it, still over an hour away from lunch and Phil just flung a craving on me!
It this the correct logistics:

12th Annual Boone's Lick Trail BBQ Contest

Qualifier Mike McMillen

5800 N. Boothe Lane, Columbia, MO 65279

573-443-0743 E-mail: [email protected]