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How much smoke? .......................


Full Fledged Farker
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Since I started smoking and since I love to cook, what a great new tool the bandera is, not to mention a yummy one. I`ve been constantly thinking of new ideas to use smoked meats. Hell, just this past weekend I took out of the freezer a smoked brisket, defrosted it, chopped it up, plopped it in a 2 qt pot with taco seasoning and water, simmered for a few hours and had THE best darn taco`s I ever could have imagined. I`m also thinking of buying a bunch Porterhouse steak`s and giving them a hour or so shot of smoke, then freezing them for later grilling on my Lynx Gas Grill.

But, as some of you may know, eating a lot of smoked foods are considered a no no. Kinda like not eating too much Salmon with PCB`s?

Just wondered what some of you experianced cooks think about this? Or if it`s a concern of yours?

.................. Xczar
No concern of mine. My only concern, is that I don't have enough of it.
bunch Porterhouse steak`s and giving them a hour or so shot of smoke, then freezing them for later grilling on my Lynx Gas Grill.
I hear this is good but have never done it.
There's enough crap that's gonna kill me long before eating smoked food. Frankly I think that is a bunch of hogwash.

As far as using those smoked goodies, I use em everywhere, including chopped up for omelettes for breakfast.
Father Time gets you anyway, so fark it. Heard on TV, that a guy was burried last week next to a Keg of Beer. Who said you can't take it with you.
parrothead said:
There's enough crap that's gonna kill me long before eating smoked food.

......tornados......playing in traffic......The Big New Madrid Earthquake.......lightning......pissing on an electric fence.......shot by a jealous husband when I'm 96.......
most of bad stuff comes from burning fat - that is what happens when people try to Q on a grill and don't know how. With offset cookers we shoudn't have any burning fat - so what you get is flavor and happyness - should add years to your life :!:

I also like the thought of giving steaks a little smoke and freezing for quickie gas grill meals, although, I've never tried it. Question: Do you just give a little smoke? Or do you fully cook the steak before freezing? Anyone tried this?
Stucue74 said:
I also like the thought of giving steaks a little smoke and freezing for quickie gas grill meals, although, I've never tried it. Question: Do you just give a little smoke? Or do you fully cook the steak before freezing? Anyone tried this?

I know my next burn, I`m going to smoke a bunch at about 200º for a good ½ hour. I`m hoping that I don`t cook thru and leave the inside still a bit raw. This way after I thaw them out I can give them some good grill marks without cooking them 'well done'. Might be smart to take them out of a cold fridge right before smoking to prevent too much cooking?

.............. Xczar
I think this comes from a pretty radical group of doctors that are all vegitarians. What they mean is grilled meat when you allow the fat to fall on the coals and flame up. Suppose to cause cancer if you eat too much. They also say that sodium nitrate injected smoked meat like bacon, ham, and summer sausage also causes cancer. But as far as I know meat slow smoked with indirect heat is pretty healthy. You can also find macrobiotic people that will tell you that potatos will kill you because they are related to deadly night shade. In my opinion if the food does not kill you then the water will. I think I will just eat my fill of BBQ and ignore all of the militant vegitarian type cancer warnings. I eat a pretty balanced diet so I am not going to worry about it.
How much smoke?
Interesting question.
If you believe the folks that say we (human race) evolved from lower animals, then unless we were vegetarian (probably not considering our teeth) we probably ate even lower animals, much like the animals of today. Having the distinct ability to decide what we liked, or didn’t like we decided to cook our food, with the introduction of fire, I think smoke was introduced into our diet a long time ago. We as a group have reverted to our ancestral feedings with flavor. What is probably detrimental is the sauces we use, and then there is SP@M and its variants.
If it sounds like I’m being a smartass, you’re probably right!!
Just enjoy and experiment, and post.
We all gotta go some day!!!!!!!!!!
The smoke I eat once or twice a week ain't near as apt to kill me as the 2 packs a day for 30 years that I've inhaled will........

just my .02 worth.......
xczar said:
Stucue74 said:
I also like the thought of giving steaks a little smoke and freezing for quickie gas grill meals, although, I've never tried it. Question: Do you just give a little smoke? Or do you fully cook the steak before freezing? Anyone tried this?

I know my next burn, I`m going to smoke a bunch at about 200º for a good ½ hour. I`m hoping that I don`t cook thru and leave the inside still a bit raw. This way after I thaw them out I can give them some good grill marks without cooking them 'well done'. Might be smart to take them out of a cold fridge right before smoking to prevent too much cooking?

.............. Xczar

I beleive you got the idea. This guy I should say God named Mikey from the original yahoo group talked this up big time. Smoke about a hour freeze this finish on the grill.
Life is hazardous to your health.

Get me some Q!
What would happen if you put frozen steaks in the smoker and heated 'em up for an hour or so? I'd think you would have some smoke penetration on the outside, but the ice should keep the inside nice and raw.

Anyone tried it?
Arlin_MacRae said:
What would happen if you put frozen steaks in the smoker and heated 'em up for an hour or so? I'd think you would have some smoke penetration on the outside, but the ice should keep the inside nice and raw.

Anyone tried it?

Older lady at a local meat processing plant told me to sear my frozen porter house steak (1.5 inch thick) on both sides and lower the fire or raise the steak and grill as normal. Seals and keeps moisture inside. It was awsome. :D