Knows what WELOCME spells.
Is there a good rule of thumb for how much and what type of outdoor cabinetry you need? From what i understand you can only keep food in a dry storage pantry to keep the critters out. However, for the other cabinetry what type and how much is sufficient.
It's hard to visualize since right now I keep 1/2 my grill stuff in a box in my basement and the other 1/2 in a red wagon in the garage. My grill sessions start with me nagging my kids to get me all my grill stuff so just trying to figure how much space.
It's hard to visualize since right now I keep 1/2 my grill stuff in a box in my basement and the other 1/2 in a red wagon in the garage. My grill sessions start with me nagging my kids to get me all my grill stuff so just trying to figure how much space.