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Knows what a fatty is.
May 20, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario
Hi All,

I'm Paulie from Ottawa, ON (Canada for you geography majors :p )

I'm just getting started with doing my own BBQ; but I've enjoyed eating it for many years!

I'm probably going to spew some blasphemy here, but I don't have my own dedicated smoker yet; been doing what I can on the grill (BroilKing Sovereign XLS90). Just got a Smoke Daddy, so I'm excited to see how this works together with my grill.

Glad to be a part of the forums!

It's the COOK not the cooker Paulie! Welcome!
Welcome Paulie! Deguerre's got it right, I must agree ('course I'm his wife but he is right)! You'll love it here, everyone is so welcoming and they build you up, pretty cool! :wink:
Welcome to our crazy little club house!

That Smoke Daddy will work wonders for cold smoking, too. Think cheese, spices, fish, etc.
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