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Brooklyn BBQ

I have a home made smoker that was given to me and it was neglected for about a year and has some serious rust build up, which I tried to remoe with a drill and a wire attachment. Still have plenty of rust on the grates and the water pan. Anyone know how I can get this off.

might try this. get the grill nice and hot. then using care because of flare ups give r a good coat of some veggy oil then heater r up again and repeat. (wire brush every now and then)
why would someone give away such a good friend as an old grill.
hope this will help
Muriatic acid.. use a spray bottle, spray it on and let it sit.. then hose out well, maybe give a wash with a brush and then oil it up.

That of course is just a quick rundown.. might wanna check what solution to use:) But the stuff is amazing on rust and any local hardware store has it
Its bout the best rust remover.. but i havn't used it in bout 20 years when i was younger i didn't care bout silly things like fumes/chemicals/acid.... i was a god! And now every joint creaks when i get up in the morning:)
Muriatic acid or hydrochloric acid is available at swimming pool places, its use is to adjust the pH of pool water. be very very cautious if using it. Another suggestion is oxalic acid for rust removal. I got this suggestion from a beer can collector as this is what he used on the steel cans to remove rust without destroying the can and paint.