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Full Fledged Farker
Jan 3, 2008
Norco, CA
Any Socal Brethren have a large capacity smoker I could borrow, rent for a couple days? I have a 2 meat catering gig that started out at 90 folks. It is now 225 folks and is this Wednesday. I had a spicewine I was using but am not able to us it this week. Please give me a call at (213) 709-0011. I am in the Inland Empire.
Yea Bro you are really chancing things by placing your Phone# up on open Forums..Let someone PM you first..You may not care, but it is an unwritten code of ethics against placing your number in a public forum..Hopefully there's not any maniacs among us Brethren, but you can never play it too safe
Not a bright move on my part, just was not sure I would be able to get on line the rest of the day and needed help today.