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Anchors Smokeshop

is one Smokin' Farker
Mar 5, 2009
Seaford, NY
This is the maiden voyage for my new WSM 18.5" and I can't get the temp over 125 degrees. I filled up the coal barrel with unlit coals and added 30 lit coals to the top of the unlit coals and the temp is hovering at 125. The bottom 3 vents are fully opened and so is the lid vent. How can I get the temp up? I am about to put an 11# pork picnic on but I'm drunk and I don't know what to do. Please help!
One usually gets it going fine on mine... you have a grate thermometer or just using the one in the lid?

Maybe your thermo is off? Are the lit coals fully lit and glowing?
You might take a small fan and hit the bottom vents with it for a bit to try and get it to come up faster...

I'd still think maybe your thermo is off...
It's 1:00am here and it's 65 degrees out. I actually just went and looked at the therm and it is starting to climb. It is now at 165 degree after 35 minutes. Maybe I was just rushing things. I'll give it another half hour and see where we are. I'm really enjoying myself, sitting in my lounger, drinking a beer, listening to the radio, sitting on my laptop, smoker smoking in the background, all while the wife and baby are asleep. Life is good.
This is what 4th of July weekend is all about!
It's 1:00am here and it's 65 degrees out. I actually just went and looked at the therm and it is starting to climb. It is now at 165 degree after 35 minutes. Maybe I was just rushing things. I'll give it another half hour and see where we are. I'm really enjoying myself, sitting in my lounger, drinking a beer, listening to the radio, sitting on my laptop, smoker smoking in the background, all while the wife and baby are asleep. Life is good.
This is what 4th of July weekend is all about!

You are gonna be good then...

Lock that baby in at 225-250 and have another beer...

Probably wanna shut it down to 1/3 on all 3 bottom vents when it climbs above 200 a little... then just lock it in if it continues to rise...
off set the lid by 1/2 inch and it will give it more airflow.. dont forget to put it back as u approach target temps.
I don't know if I "skimp" on the coals, but I have a hard time going over 275* on the
22" WSM. This is with water and without...
Did you use water in the pan? If so was the water cold? If you put cold water in the pan remember that the water will absorb much of the heat energy until it warms up significantly.
Did you use water in the pan? If so was the water cold? If you put cold water in the pan remember that the water will absorb much of the heat energy until it warms up significantly.

This is a good point. Always put in hot water if you are using water.

How's it going, James? How long did it take to get up to temp? If I put 30 lit briquettes into my 18.5" WSM I'd be at 300+ degrees within 30 minutes. i normally add 10 - 15 lit briquettes when I am doing a long cook.