• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Hello from Chilly North Florida!


Found some matches.
Jan 6, 2025
Name or Nickame
Hi all!

Long time reader and wanted to join and say hello. I live in North Florida and got my first smoker in 2018, a Traeger. I love my Traeger and have been lucky to have zero problems with it over the years. I use it a lot for weekday meals; salmon, chicken, fajitas, pork tenderloin… also have done my fair share of briskets, pork butts, ribs, and beef ribs. I love the convenience, but the quest for more authentic BBQ continues on! I think it’s time to move on into something a little different!

Thank you for having me here! Can’t wait to learn from all of you!
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Hi all!

Long time reader and wanted to join and say hello. I live in North Florida and got my first smoker in 2018, a Traeger. I love my Traeger and have been lucky to have zero problems with it over the years. I use it a lot for weekday meals; salmon, chicken, fajitas, pork tenderloin… also have done my fair share of briskets, pork butts, ribs, and beef ribs. I love the convenience, but the quest for more authentic BBQ continues on! I think it’s time to move on into something a little different!

Thank you for having me here! Can’t wait to learn from all of you!
St. John’s county fairgrounds is having Jimmy Jams bbq competition and car show this Saturday. Some rain and mid 50’s. You going?
Thank you all so much! Really appreciate the welcome!

St. John’s county fairgrounds is having Jimmy Jams bbq competition and car show this Saturday. Some rain and mid 50’s. You going?

This is the first I heard about it! Sounds amazing! I am working this weekend but I would love to go by if I get the chance! Thank you for letting me know!