After the brisket done cooking and it’s around 180 degrees, I am wondering if anyone has used a Yeti Cooler indoors for Brisket Resting? How many hours or how many hours before dropping to 145 degrees?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Cooler type makes very little difference providing the air space is eliminated with towels or newspaper - and of course, the lid is kept shut. Old standby Igloo cooler packed properly has held my briskets above 145 for over 8 hours.
I have Rtic and holds hot for a while. Any rotomolded cooler will work. I've gone 5-6hrs and could have done more. They are similar to cambros in terms of holding times.
Never used a Yeti, but insulation works both ways keeping things cold or keeping things hot. It will do the trick.
However..... at home I also use a Party Stacker, and at events it does live up to it's name because it 'stacks' perfectly on my Cambro.
it's also a cool vessel for sous vide, but that's another story. Bottom line, $25 well spent.
PS - Mrs ~t~ has a Party Stacker in the trunk of of her car to keep meats and such cool on shopping day.
Another vote for the party stacker. It works great.
Cooked a couple turkey breasts for my mother-in-law's 90th birthday. Took them off the smoker at 165 IT at 8:00 am and wrapped in butcher paper and then a towel. Put them in my Yeti Roadie and headed to north Dallas. Four hours later when I got to my daughter's house they were still too hot to touch with my bare hands. Everyone said I nailed it.
Cooler type makes very little difference.
Has anyone ran a thermometer probe thru the drain hole on the cooler to keep tabs on IT? I doubt that would compromise the heat retention much if at all, but who knows.