• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Cooking a brisket right now. Probably make various brisket things- grits, Fusion noodle, chop house burgers, chili, omelette etc. forecast through Monday appears moist.
Always sausage
Due to Wx TBD (lightning)
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Friday night
My wife is making something not sure yet
Saturday night
we are grilling burgers and hotdogs on the boat dock with some friends
Sunday night
Memphis dry rub style baby backs
Monday night
Last I was told from the wife was she was going to try to pick up some scallops if the grocery has any (been out the last couple weeks).
Happy Phriday all!!! Had a small (3 1/2#) brisket phlat in the phreezer that I took out. Going to do that on Sunday in the Bronco. Rain today and tomorrow, so probably nothing happening those days. Monday is up in the air. Have a GREAT long weekend and Happy Smoking!
Happy Phriday, Pharkers and Pharkettes!

Very exciting to have phamily in town for the phirst time in 18+ months.

We're celebrating with a tour of cuisines this weekend with Korean Kalbi tonight, Greek souvlaki on Saturday, wood-phired pizza on Sunday, and some sort of smoked barbecue on Monday.

I hope the WX holds on the High Plains. Y'all have a great weekend and keep the thin blue rolling as best you can.
Picked up a Rib Eye Primal so will have Beeph Ribs, Steak, Brats and what ever else we come up with for the long weekend. Not sure when for each but will figure out.

Happy Weekend Pharkers - Thank a Vet!
Happy Phryday Pholks!

Cold and crappy here, but still got to do some grillin.
Baby backs today, wings tomorrow, not sure about Sunday, but prolly lephtovers.
Island Style CSR's Monday with the Pholks.

Have a great and saphe weekend everyone!
I'm almost caught up in the veggie garden, chicks are hatching, the calves are hittin' the ground. Seems like a good weekend to kick back and relax!

Hope you have a great weekend Phu and Brethren!
It's still raining but I have two boneless turkey breasts going on the WSM later. For Saturday I have a bunch of shrimp, sausage, corn, etc to do a boil. Sunday or Monday I'm thinking bacon cheeseburgers on the fire pit. Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone.
Picked up a duroc pork butt and will be my first attempt at pork butt on the Shirley delivered to me last November. Many thanks to all the brethren for the many tips and administrators for this fantastic website! I've learned so much and enjoy my time tending the fire!