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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Found a larger rack of preseason Spare Ribs in the bargain bin. Eat a few but mainly for bean meat and tacos. Hanging in the Oklahoma Joe Bronco with Jealous Devil briquettes, torch lit Royal Oak Tumblweed. I’ll drop a polite amount of mesquite chunks sometime. Let the coals get going and hang the Spares
Easy like Monday morning
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Sorry, saw the post and thought you were going to be in, a hammock (my other favorite past time)!

You could do both...hang in the hammock while your ribs are hanging in the cooker!

Interested to hear your thoughts on the JD briqs....their lump has become my favorite to use, I figured their briqs are probably equally high quality.
Interested to hear your thoughts on the JD briqs....their lump has become my favorite to use, I figured their briqs are probably equally high quality.

I absolutely like them. First two bags I bought about a year ago were kind of soft. These two bags have been perfect. These two bags of JD briquettes I bought by mistake. I thought they were small bags of lump. They cost twice as most any other briquettes I use. Are they worth it? Probably but I enjoy several other brands too.