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firecracker jack

is one Smokin' Farker
Jun 27, 2009
Sorry it took so long to post this as this event happened last saturday...But ya'll know what happens when you forget stuff like charged camera batteries!!!!:icon_blush:
Anyway had eight pork butts on the uds. Most tender and juicy pork I've done...Though I didn't really develope and real nice bark, the pulled pork was still very-much enjoyed.
And then we had 37 slabs of baby-backs on the old DiamondPlate Pit-60.
We ended up with quite a bit of left overs but I'll bet they go quickly.......Relatives brought many side dishes and desserts, and man what a bash!!!!!
I had my freind e-mail these photo's, hopefully later I can post some of the actual party and of the final product being enjoyed...Maybe tommorrow..:thumb:











Thanks for lookin'!:cool:
Firecracker Jack that looks fantastic! Great looking smoker too. :thumb:
Nice work Jack!

I don't know about you but these kids nowadays do the Facebook invites and it drives me nuckin' futz when I'm trying to calculate meats! No clear headcount or ETA - they just don't get it! Good thing I would die if it wasn't for leftovers around Casa Bizarro!

I'm losing my hair faster than my Avatar!

Congrats to the Grads of 2010!

I'm doing a cook on the 27th 70, wait...make it make that......
How long were the Butts on the UDS?

what temp did you take them off at?
The butts went on at 8am, and came off about 2:30pm....They stalled at about 157 for quite a while and then by 1:00pm they had reached about 175* and were foiled. The party festivities were suppose to start at 2:00 so I cranked the uds up a little and by 2:15 or so, my maverick et-73 was reading 195* in one of the butts.....I didn't even check the temps in the others because when I went to check with my hand held instant reads the probe went in like there was nothing at all,(not even warm butter), on the inside of the foil. I didn't develope a nice bark I believe due to excessive moisture(I used a mop sauce), and that's the first time I had that many butts(8) in the uds(things got very humid)......The butts were all fairly small so they didn't take that long reach temp, but I got to admitt that With talk of wanting to get started right at 2:00, and being 175 -180* or so at 1:30 I wasn't sure I was going to make it....

Nice work Jack!

I don't know about you but these kids nowadays do the Facebook invites and it drives me nuckin' futz when I'm trying to calculate meats! No clear headcount or ETA - they just don't get it! Good thing I would die if it wasn't for leftovers around Casa Bizarro!

I'm losing my hair faster than my Avatar!

Congrats to the Grads of 2010!

I'm doing a cook on the 27th 70, wait...make it make that......

Yes estimating this event proved a challenge that I pretty-much lost. I tried to figure 1/3lb per person on the pulled pork, and approximately 1/3 slab of baby-backs per person.....This time the pulled pork worked out about right, but the ribs were over kill by quite a bit. Everyone talked about How good they were, but it was a very hot and humid day, plus there was so much other food served... I'll have to do a better job getting with the customer in understanding just what other dishes are being served, and be more assertive when it comes to having brats and burgers and such being served first.....
