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Dylan's Dad

Knows what a fatty is.

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Apr 13, 2010
Reynoldsburg OH
I remember reading a thread a couple of weeks ago about gland removal in pork shoulders and or butts. I can't seem to find the thread but just had a quick question about it.

Do I have to look out for these glands in the meat that I buy at Sam's Club? I'm talking about the 2 butt cryo packed ones.

There's a ton of stuff to learn but my head is so full of SpongeBob and Dora that I wonder where I'll find room. :doh:
Sam's butts will have them. Flip the butts fat cap down and feel around on the top for hard spots. Cut those out and you should be in good shape.
Will they be in a shoulder/picnic also?
I didn't cut out any gland when I cooked my 1st pork shoulder/picnic last week...did I miss it?
More photos for you, one of the guys on the Cookshack site posted this years ago:


