• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

getting the chimney mod back on track


somebody shut me the fark up.
Aug 13, 2003
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I'm gonna do it. Here's how: about 10" square stainless steel bent in a "U" and pop rivited on. I've already got everything I need.

BTW: for those of you in STL, Didion Recycling in St. Peters has the perfect stainless steel scraps ((636) 397-6060). I'm guessing a buck or 2 total for the required materials.

Mark (STL)

PS: with the stainless inverted U on the outside of the stack, the original damper should still work (mabe just a little grinding).
Just went out to the garage and cut a 10" by 3.25" piece of aluminum (from the dryer vent tube I used to make the heat baffle) and it will sit in a U shape just inserted in the smoke stack with the natural tension of the aluminum. It looks like a good temp. rain hat.

GS36710 said:
Just went out to the garage and cut a 10" by 3.25" piece of aluminum (from the dryer vent tube I used to make the heat baffle) and it will sit in a U shape just inserted in the smoke stack with the natural tension of the aluminum. It looks like a good temp. rain hat.

That'll work too but stainless should add some class.

Mark (STL)
damn, I start the chimney mod and you guys post real news.

Thanks. got enough now to actually do something.
whats the big deal? My mod was easy.
I talked to John Didion (Didion and Sons in St. Peters) a few days ago. I’ve sold him a few Cars. He made me a cover for a well I have see Pic.

Anyway he agreed to try and copy the Klose basket for me in a size that will fit the Bandera. I think I’ll take him up on his offer. If it works out all right I’ll ask about making them in some kind of Vol.
Dave, Als working on a basket for us that wil fit the bandera. Its just as hefty as the Klose model and the floor is even better cause its made out of re-bar.
Als working on a basket for us that wil fit the bandera

I’ve heard the prototype has something like 3,748 miles on it. Shipped back and forth 7 times now?

This Didtion Guy has a pretty good size foundry. He called me for something unrelated, and asked me how the smoking was going. I asked him to make me a baffle a couple months ago. (Ended up making it my self) so he was just asking and I said have you ever heard of a charcoal basket. One thing leads to another and he said he’d do his best to copy it.

If you guys supply me with some measurements not Cad or any thing. I can ask about making it in numbers. Or you may have your own leads for production. It sounded like Als doing this in his spare time. I know spare time is hard to come buy for me.
Was anybody else get stuck (scratching my head) trying to figure out what the quarter was doing in a sea of beer foam in the first picture? Glad I didn't gut stuck there, and found the second one.
Has any one noticed that this thread has nothing to do with chimney mods, as the title implies?
Bill- you better split this into another thread called... Stuff you can CRUSH you bandera with.

How to post some big ass pictures of coins.
Or to the wood pile, since this has now denegrated to frivolity.