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first little piggy


Found some matches.
Jul 2, 2013
have abt 30 lb pig to do on Friday the 5th. thought maybe in between your projects on the 4th you might could let me know what the typical newbie mistakes are. :wink: i have McGyvered together an open spit and i think the motor will handle the weight. i have a reasonable meat thermotmeter. i know low and slow for temp....but? what about basting or brining? i wasn't planning on brining but ....you know you get up closer to the idea and you start second guessing. got some thoughts on that? got a good guess on the time to get to the right temp ? roughly? thanks all much for your time. happy 4th!
Tie it to the spit well. I'm assuming it is still skin on? If it is no brining or basting is necessary as there is plenty of fat to keep the little piggy nice and juicy.
Open as in over a fire, no chamber? I have no idea how to regulate heat or time the cook. Love to hear more about that. I'm guessing a thermapen would be very helpful, and maybe checking the heat between source and surface? I bet it needs to be hotter than 250, since the rotation is constant.
thank you coldholler and capnkrusty. it is skin on - so your comments relieve me about the moisture/fat content. some of the web sites i've visited use twine for tying on to the spit - but i think i'm going to use wire. my spit also turned out a little short. so my husband filed down a piece of rebar so that it would fit the drive of the rotisserie.... :oops:
do you happen to know if that is foolish?

i don't happen to have a thermapen. i'm basically hoping to calibrate from the oven for the temp. i bake A LOT. so i'm hoping i'll be able to suss that out by hand.
It's in an oven? I was thinking open fire/coals. That's different then. I would cook it like a turkey. Maybe stop the thing and check the temp with a meat thermometer at 3 hours after cooking at 275. 250 even better. Go for an interior temp deep in the shoulder of about 195, and cook until you get it there. After cooking it up to that, turn the oven off and let it rest in the warmth for another hour. Just thoughts. I could be wrong!
sorry Coldholler - not an oven - i was just saying i'd have to use an oven at 250 to get a handle on what 250 feels like,,,, I am using a rotisserie over/next to coals set up on cement block. hubby hooked me up. i mentioned the oven because i have a meat thermometer but i don't have any of the fancy air thermometer stuff you all have...(just starting) so i gotta tell "by hand" comparing to oven temp. .. how'd your food come out today. .
Well - if it's roasting temp and continually turning, it should be safe! Just stop it every hour or two and get a deep reading with an ordinary $5 meat thermometer, still going for 195 or 200 down deep if you want it to pull apart like BBQ, just over 165-170 for safety if you'll slice it (although I'd go hotter to be sure). I didn't cook on the 4th, but I'll do my first pig of the year next weekend, an 80 pounder dressed, for about 30 family members. My little boys call ever BBQ "Burning Pig." Good luck with your spit -- please post pictures!
/Users/jacob/Desktop/photo.JPG the bad news.
So i could not for the life of me get miss piggy centered on the spit. and the spit which was rated for 50lbs didn't seem to manage our pig too well (like it would turn part way and give up), the good news. we improvised our spit- using chain link clamps. three neighbors pitched in taking turns pig tending. ...turning every 20 mintues or so. we had some areas that seemed a bit uneven and began tenting w/ foil to even out the heat. and that worked. and people loved it! and two people brought guitars and we pretty much sang and had a really great time. NEXT time i think i'll serve right off the grill. i like food to come to the table hot. and crowds just dont come when u call them :)
gmag - i honestly am not sure. (beer may have been involved). but 5-6 hours. and honestly it tasted better the longer we let it go. so if would do it again i'd plan on 7. like everyone wanted at it - and i waited until everyone else was set up and fussed a bit, and then when others were getting on seconds i had a few pieces right off the grill and thats when the crackling was at its best!