is one Smokin' Farker
Well I've been reading all the great info here about the "new" way of doing brisket. I've always done the all night thing and that gets old. Well today is the day. I'm fairly new with the WSM and I've gotten a lot of great tips reading posts here. I've been using the water pan with water in it but like many have said it is such a pain to clean up and the large dead brown spots on my lawn confirm that grass and grease don't mix. So I've went out and bought two 16" clay flower pot saucers from the garden center and foiled them up like I've seen some of you do. Walmart had a nice 9.47 pound brisket so that's what I'm using. I started out by injecting the brisket then putting on the rub. I fired up the WSM Minion style with a full load of charcoal and some hickory and mesquite wood chunks. I'm thinking of panning it at 160 to finish it off until done. I've put it on the WSM fat side down. Trying to hold a surface temp with the Maverick of 300 degrees. My surface temps always seem to be 20 to 40 degrees hotter than the dome temp. Hope it works otherwise I heard McDonalds is open for dinner tonight if not !
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