Experience using mesquite lump?


Full Fledged Farker
Apr 7, 2017
I'm usually a Royal Oak guy when I use lump, but I picked up a sale bag of another brand and noticed afterwards that it's mesquite. Is there a strong flavor profile to mesquite lump? I normally use post oak and hickory chunks with the charcoal, think it will compete with or overwhelm the wood?

I'm smoking brisket, tri-tip and ribs together in the same batch.
I like the mesquite flavor for beef. Have not tried it on pork, always assumed the flavor would be too strong.
Given that it’s charcoal, any food flavor difference will be minimal. It may burn hotter than Royal Oak though.
It'll work for smoking with beef but you'll taste the mesquite flavor. I've also used it for chicken and pork but made sure it was fully combusted and smoked indirect/hot and fast. It does burn hotter than other woods and is great charcoal for grilling.
Mesquite itself is a very strong in flavor...In briquets it might be ok depending on how much is infused. But not sure about Mesquite Lump. I usually use plain fuel and add wood chunks to control flavor. I would put in some fruit wood like cherry to counter the taste plus it will give a nice color. If you want info on wood characteristics look on this site for more info. https://thewoodshedoc.com/cooking-wood
Almost all the lump I use is mesquite. There is a little flavor difference from R.O. which I also use. But it's subtle. I use it to grill and smoke in my kettle and in my UDS.

This won't show you flavor of course but it will give you an idea of the burn qualities. (pretty much the same) Did a comparison video a little bit ago. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BJwC8sf3J0&t=4s It's long and the production quality is rough. Still new this video thing.
I grew up using oak and mesquite (the wood) and we had burn barrels in order to shovel coals only into the pit. Mesquite chunks used as a flavor wood is my least favorite flavor wood. But I do buy Lazzari mesquite lump which is great stuff, it is not as sparky as other mesquite lumps, has a good flavor, burns hot and comes in really tough 40# bags. I think I pay $18 through Sysco. Because of its size I can really only burn it in my drum.

Almost all the lump I use is mesquite. There is a little flavor difference from R.O. which I also use. But it's subtle. I use it to grill and smoke in my kettle and in my UDS.

This won't show you flavor of course but it will give you an idea of the burn qualities. (pretty much the same) Did a comparison video a little bit ago. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BJwC8sf3J0&t=4s It's long and the production quality is rough. Still new this video thing.

Just took a quick look at your video, that brown bag on the far right is the bag I bought...what do you think?
Just took a quick look at your video, that brown bag on the far right is the bag I bought...what do you think?

Josh will chime in but I've used a ton of Sonora mesquite and it's good stuff.
Just took a quick look at your video, that brown bag on the far right is the bag I bought...what do you think?

I'm a fan of it. It's pretty cheap and it's nice and mild with plenty of heat and a good burn time. The only down side for me is that the bags are a bit small for me.