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Professor Salt

is one Smokin' Farker
Jan 23, 2007
Orange County, CA
I'm in the process of building a UDS and I've been hunting for a piece of expanded metal, preferably on the cheap. So far, I've only been able to find virgin pieces of 3/4" 9 gauge for about $45 a 4' x 8' sheet (way more than I need).

This morning, on a whim, I poke my head in at the facilities shop at my workplace (a large hospital campus), just to ask. The guys there just happen to have a piece of scrap lying around, and they shear off a a 45" x 10" piece for me. Freeeee!

I'm gonna cook them some BBQ as a thank you. Making friends with BBQ!

Hope your day is going as well as mine is! Just wanted to share with people who'd understand. My Facebook people would tell me to put down the crack pipe :crazy:
Sometimes looking in your own backyard (or work's backyard) produces more than going shopping anywhere else. I look through the metal dumpster at work all the time, and have a few connections with some of the guys around here, too.
Great Score! But I'd take that 4'x8' sheet for $45 any day...that is cheap!

Real cheap. Last time i bought a sheet at work it was 82.00. All that was needed was a 24"x24" piece for a fabrication job.The rest is in our fab shop-never can tell when ya might need a piece for a project:becky:
Fantastic score!! I remember the days when I use to go visit the workshop on my lunch break and do a bit of shopping. Them boys ALWAYS ate well. They love a beer can chicken each to take home after eating brisket for lunch.

Finding expanded here that is not galvanized is a nightmare and very expensive, 1' square stainless in much cheaper.
A friend goes you need expanded metal? I go YEAH!! how much?, enough for a couple of fire problem,....I'm really excited now....
He goes... BTW their galvanized expanded metal....:doh:AAAGGGGHHHHH, I didn't even know they made it galvanized!!!:mad2: