No one else is biting--so I will.
I am new to all of this, but the premise of the system seems to violate most everything I have learned here.
Also--My smoking experience is strictly Bandera. Would probably vary for other smokers. Also, I am a 100% wood burner.
Enough disclaimers.
I went to their site and reviewed all their literature. Interesting!
In it's most simple terms, they are restricting or accelerating the exhaust vent. That may work if you have an unlimited source of fuel dispensed into the firebox at a rate to match their requirement for heat over a long burn. Maybe BigAls basket would help here.
Also, I was taught that "vents open", free airflow, preheating "quality seasoned wood", and attention to details yields consistant results. I am a believer!!! If some computer starts choking off my exhaust-----? Sorry, I am addicted to "clear blue" smoke!
Restricting the exhaust has led to "white smoke" almost every time I have seen it done- (In the Bandera). I am even removing the plate on the exhaust in my new "Mod'ed" smoke box.
They are not bashful about the need for "no air leaks". Sorry, I never saw one of those cookers! There is no way that choking off the exhaust would put out the fire in any smoker I have ever seen--unless it was totally air-tight. Ain't gonna happen.
I guess that my basic problem with the concept is that exhaust control is not the key to fire and smoke control! There are just too many factors and variables for it to be that simple!
Now, I have toyed with the thought that a fan in the exhaust might be handy to "Dump" bad smoke or bring temps down in a hurry. But, I can do that by opening the smoke chamber door or the fire box door myself.
Besides, if my job as the "Southern Brethren Pit Bitch" was automated--I would have to look for other work
I think quality smoke and good heat control is a bit of "Voodoo Black Magic" and attention to detail! Ya learn that here--not with a
black box"!
Just my nickles worth from one real Captain to another!
No one else is biting--so I will.
I am new to all of this, but the premise of the system seems to violate most everything I have learned here.
Also--My smoking experience is strictly Bandera. Would probably vary for other smokers. Also, I am a 100% wood burner.
Enough disclaimers.
I went to their site and reviewed all their literature. Interesting!
In it's most simple terms, they are restricting or accelerating the exhaust vent. That may work if you have an unlimited source of fuel dispensed into the firebox at a rate to match their requirement for heat over a long burn. Maybe BigAls basket would help here.
Also, I was taught that "vents open", free airflow, preheating "quality seasoned wood", and attention to details yields consistant results. I am a believer!!! If some computer starts choking off my exhaust-----? Sorry, I am addicted to "clear blue" smoke!
Restricting the exhaust has led to "white smoke" almost every time I have seen it done- (In the Bandera). I am even removing the plate on the exhaust in my new "Mod'ed" smoke box.
They are not bashful about the need for "no air leaks". Sorry, I never saw one of those cookers! There is no way that choking off the exhaust would put out the fire in any smoker I have ever seen--unless it was totally air-tight. Ain't gonna happen.
I guess that my basic problem with the concept is that exhaust control is not the key to fire and smoke control! There are just too many factors and variables for it to be that simple!
Now, I have toyed with the thought that a fan in the exhaust might be handy to "Dump" bad smoke or bring temps down in a hurry. But, I can do that by opening the smoke chamber door or the fire box door myself.
Besides, if my job as the "Southern Brethren Pit Bitch" was automated--I would have to look for other work

I think quality smoke and good heat control is a bit of "Voodoo Black Magic" and attention to detail! Ya learn that here--not with a
black box"!
Just my nickles worth from one real Captain to another!