is One Chatty Farker

Second, this brisket is good as the first time I had sex, or was it the last time? Oh well, you get the point, it is GREAT!
Was working on fabricating a second dual divider for basket #2, ran into several problems so it was 3PM Sat when I got going on this cooking adventure. It's a 12.33lb excell brisket from WalMart, $1.18/lb.
10 oz bottle of "Head Country Premium Marinade"
15 oz Dr. Pepper
5 oz Soy
Table Spoon of Worshie(sp)
Table spoon or two of Head Country Award Seasoning"
Into cooler covered with Ice cubes @ 5:30 PM Sat
Out of cooler and into Smoke Chamber @ 3 PM Sun, brisket @ 34F
Out of Smoke chamber @ 7:30 AM Monday, brisket @ 199F. Double foiled wrapped in towel back into cooler.
Out of cooler 5hrs later @ 1:30 PM Monday.
Into my belley @ 1:32 PM Monday. Moist, tender and still hot! If there was money, this laid-oof deal would be great!
Never sprayed once, couldn't find sprayer, temp in chamber would not go up above 135 because I decided to make turkey soup in cast iron pot with a lot of cold water in it and in place of water pan with lid on, mistake! Plus meat was at 34 F and outside air temp was 55 F. Once meat finally began to rise, chamber temp went to 220F. Added more coals at 3:30 AM monday, chamber at 190F, meat at 177F. At 7:30 am Mon (today), meat at 199F chamber at 189.
21.5 hrs total, but man is it tender and moist!