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Will this be kosher if I used my bbq sauce for the kiddo's party july 20th?

It has a little Knobs creek in it. And it did cook out over 2 hours simmer session.
I would check with someone who follows a kosher diet. I don't know if it would be kosher or not.
Thanks guys, I do have a batch that does have whiskey in it.
You are obligated to disclose this to each and every parent. I would be upset if you it was my kid and you didn't. Alcohol cooking out or not...
As a parent, I wouldn't have any problem with that, other than the fact that I'd definitely want to taste some of the food!

As a cook, I wouldn't hesitate to serve it to kids. I'm assuming they're old enough to actually like bbq.

If it were loaded with alcohol, that might be another story, esp since most kids don't like anything that actually tastes like alcohol.

The only time I'm careful about cooking with alcohol, even though it's burned off, is if I know I'm serving to a recovering alcoholic. Then I discreetly ask if they'd prefer I leave it out. Or sometimes I just leave it out or make something else.
Alcohol does not burn out completely, that is the key. I would also consider that there are some people that object to alcohol on moral basis alone. If I am cooking for a group, especially if there are people I do not know well, I avoid hidden ingredients such as alcohol, peanut and peanut products, shellfish products and MSG.
Alcohol does not burn out completely, that is the key. I would also consider that there are some people that object to alcohol on moral basis alone. If I am cooking for a group, especially if there are people I do not know well, I avoid hidden ingredients such as alcohol, peanut and peanut products, shellfish products and MSG.
Sage advice.
I didn't know that alcohol didn't burn out completely. Hmmm. Then I would want to know more.

Also, I assume one more or less knows the crowd one is cooking for. Cooking for a church group, for instance, might be a different thing. (Unless they were from my church. :p)
Normally I cook in a very casual manner, and since I am largely not allergic to most things (mussels being the one real bad thing, fortunately I hate them) my friends are used to a very cavalier style of cooking. Recently I did an event for one of them and he was shocked, a very different approach and level of attention. I would feel horrible if I caused any person, but particularly a child to go into shock and require medical attention, or if someone got food poisoning and had a miserable time.
Thanks everyone.

I'm serving Stubbs bbq sauce it's liquir free and I'll put my sauce out as ( extream hot adults only )

Thank you for the advice everyone...
They make a commercial Dr. Pepper Bar B Q sauce that is on the shelves of most stores. I tried it. It's a little spicy for most kids. When cooking for kids I have a sauce we make we call Southern Belle. It has Southern Comfort in it. With the kids we substitute Nehi Peach soda for the Southern Comfort. Kids love it.
Alcohol boils at like 180 degrees so if you bring it to a simmer for 20 minutes there is no alcohol left. As far as Kosher I know nothing about that sort of thing.