• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Do You Like This Site?????

hope to get some use out of this site


If I may be so bold, please take this suggestion for what it's worth:

If you're truly interested in BBQ and Barbecue and all things in-between, I highly suggest that you grab a cold BEvERage (or two) and click over to KCquers ROADMAP to the QTALK Forum. Spend 15-20 min checking out all (that's been indexed) that's available... and let it answer questions you may have, and also open up new avenues of exploration.

There is SO MUCH GOODNESS in that one thread (and threads it leads to)... I'd pay $25 just to get to that bit, right there.

Next, use the Search Function at the bottom or top... depending on if you're chipping in some cash for the site... and see what you can find. Ask questions. Offer your own experiences, successes, and failures. - THAT is how you will "get some use out of this site."

Welocme. Dig around and have a bit of fun. You won't regret it.

If you cook outdoors... or hell, if you cook in your fireplace, I'm sure there's information to be found here or someone to at least point you to someone or someplace.

I farkin' love this site!
Love the site!! Just waiting to become an "active" user so I can browse the recipes. Thanks guys and look forward to contributing.:grin:
This is a great site with tons of information available within the many posts and also a wealth of information fellow brethren are willing to share. I just renewed my subscription as the benefits I have received from site and fellow brethren far outweighs the cost.

I'm sure you'll continue to love this site. The folks here are always eager to share their ideas, recipes and tips. All you need to do is ask and keep reading. In addition, the entire staff, admin and moderators are way cool and are always trying to find ways to make the site more comfortable and more enjoyable. Jump in and have a good time.

Good luck and good smoking, Joe