• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Do you have a Blog, YouTube Channel or similar? Please list it here.


Babbling Farker
Aug 20, 2010
Name or Nickame
I know I have perused a few members blogs, but I keep forgetting what they are. Was thinking it would be nice to get some exposure for your blog, by listing it in this thread.

If you have an iPad, check out the Flipboard app...You can organize all these blogs and more for easy access.

Mister Bob - http://TheHogBlog.com

landarc - http://smoke-n-brew.blogspot.com/

PatioDaddio - PatioDaddioBBQ.com

indianagriller - www.bigjtsmokinbbq.com

oakpit - http://greenleafbbq.wordpress.com/

cowgirl - http://cowgirlscountry.blogspot.com/

BBQ Grail - www.thebbqgrail.com

SirPorkaLot - www.sirporkalot.com

swibirun - http://www.nibblemethis.com

BigButzBBQ - http://bigbutzbbqsauce.net/blog

Sammy_Shuford - http://samshuford.com/BBQ/

Old Dave - http://olddavespo-farm.blogspot.com

LT72884 - http://grillofmydreams.biz.tm

mmmmeat - http://fromthemouthofkstewart.blogspot.com/

Babyboomerboy - http://babyboomerboyscookinblog.blogspot.com/

Grafixgibbs - http://q4fun.blogspot.com/

meatinc - http://meatinc.blogspot.com/

thirdeye - http://playingwithfireandsmoke.blogspot.com/

Alan in GA - www.57smokehouse.blogspot.com/

GrillinFool - www.grillinfools.com

deepsouth - http://deepsouthegging.wordpress.com/

smknhotmama - http://drunkdaily.blogspot.com/

Diva Q - http://divaq.ca/

SmokeInDaEye - http://blog.smokeindaeye.com/

GQue - www.gquebbq.com

Mikeyfireman - http://www.joyofpork.blogspot.com/

greenr - http://whatweeattogether.blogspot.com/

Mad Max - http://www.southerntreats.blogspot.com/

smokaholic - http://www.bbqfanskc.com/blog/

King - http://majorleaguegrilling.com/

bigabyte - http://bbq-now.blogspot.com/

Groundhog66 - http://bulldogsandbbq.blogspot.com/

John Setzler - http://bbq.setzler.net

mmmeat - http://fromthemouthofkstewart.blogspot.com/

sincitydisciple01 - http://bigironbbq.com/

Livefire - http://livefireonline.com (UPDATED)

Pig Daddy - http://gebbq.blogspot.com/

Braddog - http://www.grillandbarrel.com

bbqchicken - http://bbquechicken.blogspot.com/

PitRow - http://lifeinpitrow.blogspot.com/

Camille Eonich - http://grillandgun.com/

PrinceofQ - www.bbqsaucereviews.com

bam - http://www.huckshut.com/

Smokeadelic - www.smokeadelic.com
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If you have an iPad, check out the Flipboard app...It is pretty sweet, and you can organize people blogs on it :thumb: