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Full Fledged Farker
Jul 29, 2009
Sacramento, CA
Hello all!

I took out some gorgeous peppered Wright's bacon from the freezer about a week ago and popped it in the fridge to defrost. Things got a little hectic at the house and the que I had planned was nixed. My question: Is there a general rule of thumb that I can use for how many days I have til I have to cook something that has defrosted in the fridge? Lets say that I picked up said item unfrozen from the store and froze it immediately, and that all defrosting took place in a fridge. (39*) Is there a different rule per type of meat, or is there one general (safe) guideline I can follow?

What says the Brethren?
Not sure there is a "general rule" regarding defrosted meat. How long it can be defrosted before use would depend on how long it had been "fresh" prior to freezing. That being said, bacon is a product that has been "cured", which is a process for preserving meats. If its still in the sealed package, you shouldn't have any problems with it.
Thanks BD...I didn't think about the cure of the bacon. As for other non cured meat, I wasn't sure if I could just "restart" the "use or freeze by date" after freezing. For example, if I buy meat with with a "use or freeze by date" 10 days in the future and freeze it the day I buy it. I think I can resonably assume that I have 10 days to cook the meat once I begin defrosting it in the fridge, even when I begin that process a couple months after the original "use or freez by" date has passed.