somebody shut me the fark up.
I put a 6 lb loin and a 1 lb sausage in at about 10AM. I'm trying some of the mullberry wood that I bought. BTU rating for mullberry has got to be wrong, whooeee, did I ever have a temp spike! Even with warming the wood, I didn't care for the white smoke I was still seeing. Shut the side damper completely down and had to open the chamber door when she hit 295*.
She's holding right now at about 250*, still a little higher than I want, but I think I'm safe.
I'm gonna take the loin to 160* and wrap. Gonna pull the sausage at 160*
I got 3 drunken chickens to put in at about noon. It's a beautiful day here in MO and I'm looking forward to half emptying the beer cans.
Expect slurry type by 2PM, I'm a lightweight!
I'll keep ya posted. Probably be the only time I'll use the mullberry, it's pissing me off!
She's holding right now at about 250*, still a little higher than I want, but I think I'm safe.
I'm gonna take the loin to 160* and wrap. Gonna pull the sausage at 160*
I got 3 drunken chickens to put in at about noon. It's a beautiful day here in MO and I'm looking forward to half emptying the beer cans.
Expect slurry type by 2PM, I'm a lightweight!
I'll keep ya posted. Probably be the only time I'll use the mullberry, it's pissing me off!