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Considering Bandera


Babbling Farker

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Feb 10, 2004
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I'm relatively new to smoking - I've done some briskets in a small water smoker where I got tired of losing all my heat when I had to add to the fire. Just last night I saw a Bandera on sale at Walmart - they evidently left these boxes outside over the winter and decided to unload them at about 1/2 off.

I was previously looking at a horizontal smoker with an offset firebox. Obviously, most people here prefer the Bandera so I just want to ask what advantages you find in them over the horizontal cookers.

Actually a lot of own other brands and models. Bandera was the cooker of choice when the original site was established.

If you'r getting a 1/2 off deal on the Bandera go for it!! They usually retail for about $249. Take a look at the Bandera 101 material and consider doing a couple of the modifications before your first cook.

Even if you don't get the Bandera stick around - we provide support for all cookers (including gas and electric :D)
Oh almost forgot - stop over at Cattle Call and introduce yourself!! You'll be getting your fill of opinions on smokers!!

I personally use an ECB and an offset New Braunfels (similar to the Hondo or Black Diamond) since that's all that momma would let me spend!! :D

Whatever you decide on we'll certainly make the effort to help you get cooking "Brethren" style.
JT, with a few easy mods, the Bandera (and other verticals) can get some pretty even heat distribution. With the horizontals, you can do some mods to try and distribute the heat more evenly, but by design, one end will be hotter than the other.

Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, cuz sometimes you might want a higher temp.

No matter what you decide, make sure you stick around and share your experience. DFLittle just got a new horizontal type. This is not just a Bandera group (go look at my family photo in the Brethren who we are folder in Pictures)

Work at the University of Missouri in Columbia - right smack dab in the middle of the state. Actually live about 35 miles north surrounded by 3500 acres of State Conservation land - nice and private.
Actually live about 35 miles north surrounded by 3500 acres of State Conservation land - nice and private.

Yeah, and probably a great source for "Q" wood :mrgreen:
jt said:
Work at the University of Missouri in Columbia - right smack dab in the middle of the state. Actually live about 35 miles north surrounded by 3500 acres of State Conservation land - nice and private.

Bandera will work great for Qing when you have the Missouri Cheer Leaders over a party! :shock: :D

I'm in Columbia myself. If you buy a Bandera from the Walmart on
Connelly Rd. (super center) you've bought one of the ones I tried to buy, but they had loaded in the front of a storage unit and wouldn't dig one out for me. I ended up buying mine over by the mall. Those boxes at the super center got weathered pretty good before they were stored.

A big tip: If it is rusted anywhere, scrape it and paint it before you use it.
Next tip: Get you some vegetable oil and an old sock or towel and coat everything, inside and out, with the vegetable oil, even the hinges.

Look into doing the mods. The mods make the cook more enjoyable and controllable. Trust me I learned the hard way and these guys got me on the right track.

If you want to come by and see the mods before doing them, if you buy one, just send me a PM and I'll give you my phone number and we'll get together.

Welcome, and many happy days of Q'n.

PS: I probably have enough stainless left over to make either a heat shield or a baffle, you're welcome to it!

Welcome from another "MOFO" (that's short for Missouri folk). If you buy the Bandera, take Solidkick up on the stainless steel for the firebox interior mod. Coupled with the firebrick mod and a good curing of the steel from the get go, your firebox should last way longer.
Also to prep the bandera( this is very important) remove the door and lid to the firebox and brush Anti-Seize Lubricant ie. Loctite C5-A or anothe copper based compound these are heat resistant and hold up well, on the pins.
I learned this the hard way had to reweld the door because it froze up at the pins.

I believe the Bandera with its vertical cooking chamber is more fuel and time efficient at cooking than a comparable horizontal smoker like a New Branfels Black Diamond or Hondo, or Brinkman Smoke-N-Pit Pro, or etc.

I have a Bandera (vertical), and a NBBD (horizontal). Both have been modded per standard mods found here and elsewhere.

For me, it takes longer to get meat to "BBQ" doneness in the NBBD than in the Bandera. My problem with my NBBD is that the heat from the firebox travels over the food. With the Bandera, the food cannot escape the heat since the heat comes from the bottom, rather than from the side. Also, the Bandera can cook more food at the same time.

With the Bandera firebox, there is room to have a wood split inside the firebox, pre-heating.

I have found myself going to the Bandera first to get the BBQ'ing done.

Hope this helps.

-egkor (Gary K)
All the responses have been great. I went and bought it last night for $125. Haven't taken it out of the box yet although that's going to happen soon! I want to also do some of the mods before the first smoke. Hopefully I can get together with Solidkick soon to see the mods in-person.
jt said:
All the responses have been great. I went and bought it last night for $125. Haven't taken it out of the box yet although that's going to happen soon! I want to also do some of the mods before the first smoke. Hopefully I can get together with Solidkick soon to see the mods in-person.

Your Welcome fellow Brethren. I'm sending you an email with my phone number. We'll get together soon as you feel up to it. :lol:
jt said:
All the responses have been great. I went and bought it last night for $125. Haven't taken it out of the box yet although that's going to happen soon! I want to also do some of the mods before the first smoke. Hopefully I can get together with Solidkick soon to see the mods in-person.

You got a real good deal. do they got any more?
I think there were 2 or 3 last time I looked about 10 days ago, I'm off Friday and will go take a look if you need me to.
Last night they had one left - the box was really dilapidated. But what I could see of the metal still looked black and not rust-covered.
Even if its the made in China model, thats a dam good price. I was asking if there were any more available for the sake of any other Missouri folks (mofo's) in this group that may not have one; not for me. I don't think I need 2.