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is one Smokin' Farker
Jun 2, 2007
Chico, Ca
I recently tore into my Coleman water heater. The low battery light came on but when I plugged in the charger the charge light would not come on. I bought a new charger and it checks out ok. I have also installed a new battery. While working on it I heard a rattle from inside. I removed the control knob and turned it upside down and shook it. This little guy fell out. It is a plastic cup with a copper coil inside. I think the wires at 6 o'clock might have been connected somewhere. Do any of you have a lead to a repair manual or a contact number for a repair facility? Anybody know what this thing is? I tried Coleman but got tired of the "Push 1 if your tired of pushing all of those other farking numbers"! I have an owners manual but it is of no help. Thanks in advance.

PS. This thing is about the size of a nickel but thicker, about 1/4-3/8 inch.
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That is called a Toroid. It might be an inductor or a transformer. You could actually build a new one very easy. Funny, I spent about 40 min. on the horn with Coleman yesterday trying to resolve my own issue with that POS. :doh:
The voltage is already stepped down from 120vac to 12vac in the AC adaptor. The rectifier circuit is built on the PCB in the unit. I suspect it's part of the filter circuit and must be a toroidal inductor.
Nutz, more ale and it will all make sense. I recommend the Southern Hemisphere Harvest ale.

Finished my Torpedos a while ago so I poured a big Margarita. Costco run tomorrow. Reading all that stuff makes me feel like I'm at a Star Trek convention :p. I just wanna find out where to take this damn thing to get it fixed or find out if it is spare parts!
P.S. Happy birthday Big Guy!!

This is the number I used and then had to wade through a phone que that was several layers deep. You eventually get to a rep after some time on hold.

I just looked up the specs on the Coleman website and the internal pump runs at 6v. I wonder where the step down from 12v to 6v occurs. But it certainly could be an inductor.

I can only see two leads which is why I think it's an inductor. A transformer would need four. As far as droping the voltage from 12v to 6v there are several ways that can be accomplished cheaply. I'd guess a simple resistive voltage divider with the other 6 heading off somewhere else. I would think that a toroidal transformer cost too much for this peice of equipment. I guess if I really wanted to know I'd go an remove the five screws that hold mine together and see. :becky: It's more fun to armchair right now.