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Full Fledged Farker
Feb 24, 2014
Tomball, Texas
Name or Nickame
Joe Bowie
The underside of the dome on my WSM is so full of gunk that it literally drips onto meat and into lip seal.I live in an apartment and have no access to outside cleaning area. I normally take parts of WSM to spray car wash. Will easy off oven cleaner penetrate this.
Yeah, it sure will. I’d put it in a garbage bag and spray the oven cleaner liberally. Let it soak for an hour or so and rinse. If it’s really thick, it might need a second application but it should come out clean as a whistle.
If mine gets bad, I'll spray some Simple Green on it and let it sit for a bit then hose off. It surprisingly gets off quite a bit. I figure what's left on was meant to be left on. Haha. Seems to work for me.
When I had my WSMs I just took it to the manual car wash. Just used the rinse mode and power washed it clean.
I use oven cleaner. You can pay more for Easy Off or get inexpensive oven cleaner at Dollar Tree for $1 can, it works fine. Spray it on and let it sit for 20-30 mins then rinse with the hose. Repeat if necessary.
I would'nt do it....

I would think twice before restoring it to "factory" finish...
all that build up is like insulation that actually helps control your temps inside....
removing it could alter your temperature control...

of course, this is just my opinion... take it with a grain of salt if you like.

a simple scraping off the loose build up with a plastic putty knife (or the like) is all that is required.
My 22" WSM lid most likely weighs more than a completely clean cover, but i'll bet a nickel it holds in the heat better.

just like the inner walls of the unit... years ago, I completely cleaned off all the gunk and grease from years of smoking/cooking using soap and an industrial pressure washer...
Never Again.
for weeks, it took awhile for the WSM to hold steady LOW temps again.

again, a grain of salt.... :eek:hwell:
I just brush off the flakies.

Maybe do a burn-off for the thicker stuff.

I’ve cleaned mine once in 12 years at a car wash. I am not a slob, lol