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Twisted Martini

Knows what a fatty is.
Mar 4, 2010
Fishers, IN
So I just got done baptizing the BGE in a Big Green Way! 12 lbs of shoulder, 10 lb brisket that cooked overnight, MOINK balls, corn on the cob, gazpacho (sorry no pics, too busy cooking). So now, I'm thinking about how to clean my trashed out drip pan, the 13 inch one from ceramic grill store. Like an idiot, I forgot to wrap it in foil, and so it has a ton of burned on grease on it. Any tips on how to clean that mess up? Thanks guys.
I have the same pan but I have always wrapped it in foil. Raw aluminum that has carbon and grease burned onto it can be cleaned effectively with a Green 3m scrub pad but it will show light scratches afterwards. You might just clean off the surface gunk and not worry about the carbon portion. Just use foil in the future.
I've got the 18" pan from CGS, and I sometimes do not foil it -- like when I want to catch drippings for turkey gravy, etc. The pan is so large, that I must have a seam in the foil, and I have never been able to do a fluid-tight seam, so I do not try!

I clean mine by spraying oven cleaner on it, letting it sit for 5 or 10 minutes, then hitting it with my electric pressure washer.

Got the Karcher pressure washer off of woot about 6 months ago for $60. It is handy for a lot of stuff. I clean my grids with it too.

If I keep moving my operation around, my driveway will be totally clean one day. As time goes on, there are more and more circular clean spots...

My take is, it's just a drip pan. No need for it to be totally sterile. I add some Dawn and warm water to mine and let it sit overnight. In the morning I clean it by scraping with a food scraper and then rubbing with a BBQ dedicated brillo pad. I don't sweat it when it's not sparkly clean anymore.
To Clean the rest of the inside of the egg just make some Pizza. Runner wide open the platesetter and inside will clean up real nice.

Might want to do a few more low and slows first though.
I second the scrub pad and cleaner method. I buy grill and fryer cleaner from Sams, I think it is called proforce, and it takes that stuff off every time.
Put it in the egg and fire it up to 600 for about 45 min. After it cools, put it in the sink then hit it with boiling water.
Personally I prefer the disposable aluminum 1/2 steamer pans. When I am done, them and the bio-fuel go into the trash..

Get the dawn with the degreaser in it. Soak it over night and apply some elbow grease to the pork grease.

What Bacchus said works well too..
Our friend RTD show using throw away aluminum trays in his eggs, I tried it and away they go in the trash......1 T Scott is right on about the rest of the egg, 600 degrees takes care of a lot of crud!