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Knows what a fatty is.
Jun 1, 2009
Memphis, TN
I'm doing my first chuck roast this Saturday on my WSM. I've read that it should be cooked to 160 then foiled until a fork will twist easily in the meat. My question is what do I rub it with? Would it just be easiest to get some Bovine Bold or make my own? Any other tips would be appreciated.
I have two on as we speak. Here's what I use.

Pour a little beef broth in when you foil. You're going to love it. :thumb:
I liked it with Montreal steak, or seasoned like a brisket. I don't foil chuckies for smoking. Just let them cook until done.
I defer to the seasoned cooks here but this is what I like to do...

I use a combo of the above. I let it sit overnight in KC Masterpiece Steakhouse marinade. Pat dry then rub with salt and pepper. Add low-sodium beef broth when foiled.

Good luck Grinder...looking forward to seeing the finished product.