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somebody shut me the fark up.
Nov 29, 2012
Name or Nickame
OK, I'll probably be shot several times for this...

We had an amazing leg of lamb for Christmas. Though we enjoyed this lovely meat in a traditional Holiday dinner, Mrs ShadowDriver broke out 2 recipes that turned leftovers from this big piece of meat into an amazing Indian meal...

It was WAY more than we could eat... (bloody thing cost $50+ at the commissary), but it was worth every penny.

Thanks to some amazing friends in the UK, we broke out some a couple of recipe books for Indian food.

Lamb Rogan Josh, Mushroom Bahji, homemade gluten-free naan bread, and some cucumber & onion raita soon made up the dinner menu.

Some onions and some safflower oil before adding the spices... then the lamb, tomato puree, etc...

Soon, the Lamb Rogan Josh bubbled away... even though we'd enjoyed the lamb for Christmas, cooking it rare left us options...

I whipped up a batch of mushroom bahji on the side:

Mrs. SD's had to go gluten-free due to some frustrating heath issues... and we've been fighting to have delicious familiar foods. We tried some naan bread (of sorts) tonight... cooked on a cast iron skillet... and it was amazing when sprinkled with garlic powder and kosher salt while cooking. Not perfect, but we learn more every day...

Here, you'll see the Lamb Rogan Josh plated with some whole grain rice, the mushroom bahji, and some lovely cucumber & onion raita... along with a half-round of gluten-free naan.

Remember... cooking your meat to rare or medium rare gives you options... our lamb soaked up the spices and cooked down to an amazingly tender bite (and it was fantastic the first time)!

Best regards and Happy Holidays,
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Beautiful thing. I smoked a leg before Christmas then made lamb curry with the leftovers. Fortunately I've got another leg in the freezer (bought em for $4.99 a pound). Your Rogan Josh has got me drooling and I think I'm gonna have to try doing that!
The lamb looks incredible. Truly droolworthy. We always have a leg of lamb at Easter, and I usually use a traditional Greek recipe. But this is giving me ideas to see if I can talk the family into switching it out this year. BTW... how does cast iron skillet naan compare to naan cooked the traditional way? Similar enough to pass?
The only thing you could get shot for is not inviting everyone here at The Brethern to dinner. Great first leg and awesome leftovers.

And I would accept the invitation "in absentisa" (crap spellcheck won't correct my spelling errors)
You asked for it... you got it!

For the leg of lamb, Mrs. SD used a hybrid of a Jamie Oliver recipe and my Mom's recipe. Here are her notes:

- Preheat oven to 425F
- In food processor:
3 lg garlic cloves
3 handfuls mixed fresh herbs (approx 1Tbsp dill, 1/2 cup rosemary, 2 Tbsp mint)
1 Tbsp dried oregano (fresh would be nice next time)
3 Anchovy fillets (no, these do NOT make anything taste fishy, but they enhance the richness of the lamb flavor)
- Whiz, Drizzle in olive oil until it looks like a very dry pesto
- Put around 80 grinds of fresh pepper, 3tsp Kosher salt, zest of 2 lemons, and around 1/2 stick of melted butter in a bowl... then mix in the herb/anchovy "pesto" from above and stir into a paste.
- Smear this paste all over the lamb
- Lower the oven temp to 375F and place the lamb in the oven. Roast until internal temp of 125F (if you want Rare)... or around 90 minutes.

Note: At the 60 min point, baste the lamb with a glug or two of quality red wine every 10-15 minutes.

I've never used a Tandoor oven before... would the thoroughly interested... and I love to watch the chefs in the kitchen when we go to our favorite Indian restaurant. I honestly don't know how the cast iron skillet compares... but I do know the gluten-free dough is VERY different from the traditional... miss those lovely bubbles..

Appreciate the kind words and the interest.
Buggar the leftovers, I want to gnaw that leg of Lamb.
I am going to get a leg full like that we usually get ours cut a bit different, shank split and cut thru the bone.
Yours looks really rustic and delish