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kyle corn

is one Smokin' Farker
Aug 20, 2009
Denton, Tx
Found this stuff at a friends house. It was a roommate's that left it after a move because he didn't want to lug it across the country. It has sat outside for a while and wasn't really taken care of. It's all Lodge cast iron, 8, 10 and 12" skillets and a dutch oven. He said I can have it if I want it but I don't know if it's worth messing with. I have plenty of cast iron stuff but extras wouldn't hurt.


That doesn't look bad at all. As long as it isn't severely pitted, just take a scotch brite pad to it, oil it, season it (bake it for an hour @ ~300), and use it.
Thanks for the help guys. I know cast iron is built to last generations and figured it would be fine, just wasn't sure if the effort would be worth it. I'm going to start with a scotch bright pad and if that doesn't do the trick I'll move to a wire brush on a grinder of some sort.
it aint worth a cuss, send it to me and I will dispose of it for you.:-D

.....good score there, nothin wrong with it, clean them and put them to good use!!