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Full Fledged Farker
Nov 30, 2007
Mountains of Colorado
I've had several of our favorite rubs cake and when re ground become too fine.
I've tried to contact the source but received no answers...

Is there a way to salvage caked rubs or is it just a lost cause.

Never tried it with rubs, but it works with brick hard brown sugar. Throw in a piece of bread, should suck all the moisture out and re-hydrate the rub. Maybe. :noidea:
Put it in a bag and roll it with a rollin pin. Shouldn't get any finer that it started.

Personally, I use my magic bullet and make it into a pulverized dust. Still taste great.
I love Gordon's Grub Rub. There are no anti caking agents added to Grub Rub.

Grub Rub is clumped from the moment you buy it. There is a warning to NOT refrigerate which I didn't see decades ago when first using it. Became rock hard.

Since its a Texas staple, it was one of my good TexFo friends here that said "throw it in the microwave for 15 seconds"

Worked like a charm.

Not sure what your ingredients are that you are working with, but maybe a simple solution to test out?