• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Brisket Question


Is lookin for wood to cook with.
Dec 20, 2010
I was wondering if you could help me out when it comes to brisket. I have never smoked a whole brisket before. Does the smaller section get dried out while the thicker part gets up to temp? Also, which part is used for burnt ends?

Thanks for your help, Hugh
Don't worry about the thinner part drying out while the thicker part cooks. Briskets do not follow the rules of other beef roasts. In fact, oddly enough...the point, which is the thicker part, will finish to tenderness before the thinner part (the flat) will.
This question, and how quick the answers come to help a guy is a really good example why this is the best group (Bbq) on the internet. Thanks to all you guys with the knowhow! It's great!
I can think of no better starting place for you than right here:


It helped me tremendously.

This is a must read. That being said, I now do mine in an alum pan, injected, at about 250. On my WSM a 13-14 pounder takes about 10 hours.

After 7-8 hours I foil the pan and let her go, and take it off at no more than 205.

Foil and wrap in towels and into the microwave for about 1 hour. Just to keep it warm, not nuke it.

Slice it and enjoy. BWT the point is often used for burnt ends. I think that's a waste of good meat as it is usually the best part.
The link was great. The hard part is going to be finding a day where I can spend over 10 hours tending to the smoker. I'm definetly waiting until the weather warms up.
The link was great. The hard part is going to be finding a day where I can spend over 10 hours tending to the smoker. I'm definetly waiting until the weather warms up.

What kind of cooker are you using? If you have something that can be set once at temp and left alone for a while, you may consider doing an overnight cook.
The link was great. The hard part is going to be finding a day where I can spend over 10 hours tending to the smoker. I'm definetly waiting until the weather warms up.

What kind of cooker are you using? If you have something that can be set once at temp and left alone for a while, you may consider doing an overnight cook.

Have you seen the UDS thread ?
It will solve many issues you may have. :wink::wink::wink:
