is One Chatty Farker
So the Mrs. and I were craving some good brisket for supper last night. There is this one place about 20 minutes away from our house that has pretty good brisket and they cook on a huge Shirley (def better than the other 2 places in the same town). Their menu on FB had not updated their prices so I called to check out the price (I can be kind of cheap). They sell theirs by slices (1 slice, 3 slices, and 6 slices). for 6 slices of brisket it costs.....$28!!!!!!!!! They aren't super thick slices or anything. I know the price of meat has went up, but wow!!!! This blew me away. So no brisket for us, guess I am going to just pick up a full packer (12-13# @ Wally world is about $60). I know there are a lot of people who don't smoke foods so they will pay this and really don't have a choice, but I can have a whole brisket at my disposal for double that (and my wife says she likes mine better too). What are some of y'all seeing as brisket prices in restaurants around?