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Babbling Farker
Dec 18, 2012
Dearborn Mi, Manton Mi
About a month ago I bought a brisket from a gal across from my cabin who raises and sells beef at her friends farm, its a joint effort they have going. The other meat I have bought was real good, so I asked her about a brisket.

She said sure she can get me one but wasnt real familiar with the terminolgy, like point, packer, flat etc.

So I told her I wanted a packer and explained it to her, a few weeks later she calls me to tell me its ready. Its about 8 lbs. It was frozen and vac sealed, thry have a processor do it.

So I get the thing and it looks like a roast. She said it was folded in half, real hard to tell from the package what the heck I just bought.

First pic is what it looked like, I am thinking its a point. I put it in the freezer for later cooking

This past week I look at it and notice the vac bag had lost its seal so its starting to freezer burn. So I decide to bring it up with us to our cabin this weekend and cook it. I do have a stickburner there but I did not have tome to tend it

so I decided to try out my home made smokernator on my 18 weber kettle.

This morning I open it up and yes, its a full packer alright. It actually looked pretty nice, but its small and pretty thin. So I just make up a rub and slap it on, I did not have any coarse black pepper (spice selection at the cabin is a bit sparse yet) So I just rubbed it with an all purpose rub I made. (second pic)

its been on since about 9:30. I am trying to keep it at about 300 and the smokenator is really working quite well. We did leave for about 4 hours to go to a few wineries in northern Mich and The fire had died down to about 200 so I stoked it back up

So its just chugging along. It is starting to rain so I may have to finish it in the oven once my bark is set how I want it, but thats fine

I also have nothing to wrap it with so I will use a paper bag, or just pull it and crash cool it and finish it at home tomorrow when we get home

here is how it looks now, coming along pretty good for an improv cook

I also dont have a pit thermo so I am pretty much guessing at temps but I am sure its pretty close


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about 9 pm last night I was just starting to get the color I am looking for then the rains came in big time to I had to shut it down

Its in the fridge now, when I get back home later today I am going to try to finish it off on my Akorn.

May work, may not. There is always chili.

I dont think the weber was running as hot as I thought
Should work ok. In Peace, Love, and BBQ Mike Mills tells that Sarge Davis from the Whole Hog Cafe does 2 day briskets.
300 miles and 20 hours later, the cook continues.

bark is starting to set, look at those temps. The Mav and Fluke are about as close as it gets. I think its because of the insulated environment of the Akorn

I normally just monitor the Akorn with the Fluke, but I am working around the yard so called the Mav into service.
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I always had success with those small briskets. That local butcher trimmed them off of sides of beef from his shop. Theywere good but he got greedy now sells untrimmed packers for $6 a lbs
Tried a few slices last night. It was actually pretty good.

I probably could have given it another 1/2 hour but I am happy with it.

a little dry but not bad at all for such a small brisket and considering the cooking conditions
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