Got Wood.
I tried brisket again the other day. Got a 18lb prime from Costco. I trimmed it the night before and injected with a beef broth/worcestershire mix. I dropped it on the RecTec at 240. When the thickest part of the flat read 195, I pulled it off, separated the point and dropped the point and flat back on the smoker until 'done'. After about 20 mins, the edges of the flat were probe tender but the center wasn't. When the center was, I pulled it and rested it in a cooler until dinner.
The point made awesome burnt ends. My cardiologist is gonna kill me. The point, however was really dry.
How do you get the center of the flat to be probe tender and NOT have it suck? Not sure what i should have done differently.
The point made awesome burnt ends. My cardiologist is gonna kill me. The point, however was really dry.