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Babbling Farker
Mar 6, 2010
Okay what I would like to see is an ongoing thread of the “NEXT BIG THING”. For example the MOINK balls, Lollipops and pig candy. How cool would it be if anyone of us came up with the next big thing, and you had the proof to back it up… our site?
This site has tons of talent and creativity that is out of this world good.
So let the games begin!!!!
I'm so hung up on abts Moinks and pig candy I hardly have room to smoke the meat. If I were to come up with something else I'd have to fire up all four smokers.:wink:
Mod Note: This is Q-Talk. I'd rather not move this to Woodpile, since I suspect the original poster would prefer to see their thread remain here.
The next big thing will be an invention that will allow stickburners to go more than 12 hours on one load of fuel. Klose pits will subsequently cost 9 million dollars.
How's this... we do Chicken Livers wrapped in bacon and sprinkled with Lemon Pepper on the grill anytime we get together with my wife's family.

I'm thinking of soaking the Livers in a Spicy Garlic Buffalo sauce for a couple of hours, Wrap in thick cut bacon, toothpick and sprinkle my pork rub on them. Once they come to temp, I'll pull them and server with a side a fresh Spicy Garlic Sauce...

For a name, I'm thinking NOCIP's Not your Ordinary Chicken Inards and Pork
What's wrog with this? I kinda like it... 8)

The Big Butz Biscuit Gravy Ball!


Make's me wanna sing Stayin' Alive, Slayin' Alive, ah, ah, ah, ah Sta... (you get the point)
How's this... we do Chicken Livers wrapped in bacon and sprinkled with Lemon Pepper on the grill anytime we get together with my wife's family.

I'm thinking of soaking the Livers in a Spicy Garlic Buffalo sauce for a couple of hours, Wrap in thick cut bacon, toothpick and sprinkle my pork rub on them. Once they come to temp, I'll pull them and server with a side a fresh Spicy Garlic Sauce...

For a name, I'm thinking NOCIP's Not your Ordinary Chicken Inards and Pork
I did that except I wrapped the livers in chicken thigh skin prior to the bacon wrap. Both livers and skin were marinated.