Doing the 2 yr olds birthday Q today & tomorrow. Started the fire at 6:30 and loaded 32# of pork butts (4) at 7:00. Had new Taylor probe thermo stuck thru a tater on the bottom rack and used the door thermo at the other rack. (2nd probe thinks its 350* in the freezer
- its going back). Difference between the 2 shelves was 12*. Kept the bottom one between 210 & 221 all day. Used total 2 chimneys Kingsford for coal bed and then red oak and some of the sugar maple Kick gave me. They hit 160* at 2:30 so now they're wrapped and I'm waiting for 200* to throw 'em in the cooler. Nice tidbit left on a rack when I pulled it off. Mmmmmm.....pork.
Tomorrow it's a couple BBCs and a fatty. Did I mention the fatty from this morning? Early lunch on that one. 2 year old ate 3 slices.

Tomorrow it's a couple BBCs and a fatty. Did I mention the fatty from this morning? Early lunch on that one. 2 year old ate 3 slices.