• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

Beer can chicken


is One Chatty Farker
Dec 24, 2003
Reaction score
Not offically "Que", but I feel lazy today and gonna do a beer-can chicken for dinner. Haven't done one in ages so I'll report how it comes out.

Pulled the WSM out of the basement, pulled out the middle section and gonna use it as a straight grill (my bandera firebox has a bunch of ceramic briquettes under the pan so it's a pain to clean when I use it as a grill).

Gonna smear chicken with olive oil, give it a good coating of my normal rub, shove half a can of Heineken up it's ass and cook it for about 1 1/2 hours at 325 via indirect heating. I'll let yall know how it comes out.
Heineken. Now that is a good beer. It's nice to see somebody that appreciates a good beer
Why ar you puttin good beer up a chickens ass??? I use a a can of crap beer, drop in a few garlic cloves and bay leaves in it and shove that up the chickens ass. Then I save the good stuff(Beck) for me. :)
My good beer would be something like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Bitburger German Pilsner or Guinness Stout. They had 12 packs of Heine on sale at Kroger for the same price as Bud. No contest there.
ok.. point made!!!! But one day, your gonna be parched, all dried out, dyin of thirst and your gonna have ONE can of bud sittin in the frideg,... just wishin u used that in the chickens heiney, and save the real one for you.

This buds for you!

Damn that was good! My wife actually said she liked it better than my usual bandera smoked chicken (gasp!).
I took BBQchef's advice and shoved some garlic cloves down into my heiny (beer-can you dolts).
One thing about the WSM, if you take out the middle smoking chamber, the top doesn't quite sit right on the bottom section. I had just put the chicken on, put the lid on, and was adjusting the vents when my leg bumped the grill. The lid shifted, knocked over the chicken and beer, which then knocked the entire lid off the grill, which then knocked over my plastic bowl full of wood chips. Doh!
Had to wipe off the chicken, go chug a half a can of heiniken (hey, ya have to make sacrifices during emergencies) and start over.
Anyhoo, it came out great! I forgot how good beer-can chicken was.
The finshed product:

A Heine up a heine. Isn't that redundant?
You know, when you think about it, that's one hell of a way to enter the afterlife. You get killed, then your head and feet are chopped off, your feathers pulled off, then someone shoves a beer can up your ass and puts you on a hot fire, then eats you. Probably not the best way to be remembered.
Your chicken looks great. Nice crust on the outside. Was it crispy? That's the way my family likes it. I think that is also why your wife liked it better too. The hotter temp. is great for chicken. The Weber kettles are great for this style of cooking.

Ok Saiko I must admint that is damn fine looking chicken... but

your Avatar has to be one of the SCARIEST Mo-Fo's I have seen... more importantly where did you get him from, I want one? He might even be able to kick the crap out of the BYC :)
This is why there's a half a 6 pk of Old Milwaukee tall boys sitting on top of the fridge in the garage. Just in case the beer can chicken urge hits.
Yea, the skin was the best part. I hate to admit it, but it probably did taste a little better than my slow cooked chickens due to the crispy skin. It still picked up quite a bit of smokey flavor from the wood chips.

As far as the avatar, that's kind of a long story. I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to computer based dungeons and dragon games (going back to my commodore 64).
One recent series that came out was called Icewind Dale I and II. I was going through the character selection screens and came upon that guy. He is supposed to be a Drow Elf, who live underground and are a kind of "evil" elf. I just remember thinking, "that is one bad assed looking mofo" and did a screen print and then edited it.
I used photo shop to add the rebel flag belt buckle, since I thought it was funny and I always try to be as politically incorrect as possible.

I'll reinstall the game soon and post some more of the characters. If anybody wants to use any of them as avatars I can either send them to you or upload them to my server and give you a link. Also, if you have your own pic you want to use, I can host that also, just lemme know.
:!: I think it was the "dropped" dirt rub that gave the skin that crusty taste! :shock: :lol:
I am well versed in the DnD series... but never played the new ones cause I didnt have the time... I get too involved and would never see my wife :)... bad ass avatar though...