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Full Fledged Farker
Feb 1, 2019
Name or Nickame
Big C
Hey y'all! I will preface this by saying that I forgot to take pics. By the time I finished the cook, I had the absolute worst smoke headache (usually happens when I have a cook that goes longer than 5-6 hours), which may also have been allergies acting up. :sick:

But...I finally got ahold of some beef cheeks this weekend, which I had been wanting to try my hand at for forever. They came out wonderfully. I was aiming for a barbacoa-type end result (fall apart, shreddable texture). For anyone curious, here is the method:

One pack of beef cheeks, roughly 5lbs. I didn't trim them at all, despite how dang ugly they are. I rinsed, patted dry, then applied a heavy coat of modified beef rib/brisket rub (kosher salt, coarse black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, chili powder, mexican oregano). I let them sit in the fridge overnight. Next morning, I put them in the offset and let them go 4 hours at 250. At that point, they had a good little bark going. I then put them in a foil pan, topped with one sliced white onion and two thinly sliced poblano peppers, and then filled up the pan 3/4 of the way with a mix of low-sodium beef broth and Lone Star beer. I covered the pan tightly with foil and let it go another 4 hours.

Y'all...I'm not saying it was one of the best things I've ever smoked...but I'm not NOT saying that either. :biggrin1: There was bark. There was a deep red smoke ring. There was rendered, gluey fat galore! And it was absolutely falling apart tender. I shredded it up and it was absolutely amazing on a fresh corn tortilla with a little bit of green salsa and some fresh crumbled white cheese.

I promise pics next time! I'm super excited to add this to my repertoire.