• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

BBQGURU PARTYQ bought received and tested



Because of new additions to my family, I have les and les time to chill next to the grill. For me it's not an option to grill les, so multi tasking is the solution to this problem. I bought a temprature controller for the big green egg large from BBQguru. I have used it for a couple of times and I am actually really satisfied. It is the PartyQ, it is running on batteries.
I made an unboxing movie and a test movie(first time using)

Unboxing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URnIEYsmFlk

Testing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfWyKDPnvdo

Let me know what you think!
Pimasterx, Great production and very informative. I've been considering one for my 18 WSM. I think you've put me over the edge.


ps: What music is that? Title and Artist? You Guys Rock across the pond.
Great video's (and tunes) I fired up my Party Q this past week on the UDS and had great success with a 22 hour brisket at 235F low battery light came on at 22 hr mark,
Running some MOINKS at 285 right now
After seeing the breakdown, I'll be checking these rigs out. Their website matches what the review shows.
Pimasterx, Great production and very informative. I've been considering one for my 18 WSM. I think you've put me over the edge.


ps: What music is that? Title and Artist? You Guys Rock across the pond.

The music is from seasick steve, with "What a way to go" and "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" you can check him out at youtube as well. He is from youre side of the pond.

I'm glad I could help you make your discision. Keep on smoking !
I just got my PartyQ last night. I will be doing an overnight low and slow Friday on my Kamado Joe. I will update on how it goes this weekend.

So far the unit looks like nice quality. And I can confirm that the temp probe is now removable, so it can be replaced.

Only thing to do is figure out how to rain proof it. I think the easiest way is to make a rain box and just run a hose from the fan in the box to the adapter on the kamado. It should be pretty easy and straight forward.
I have the CyberQ II and it works great. Definitely piece of mind when you are away from the grill. I have used mine several times so far and it keeps my BGE within a couple degrees of the target temp for as long as I have fuel to burn. :-P
I almost bought one and thankfully called Guru's customer service to find out the PartyQ is not man enough to handle a UDS' air needs. Just an FYI.
I have a PartyQ that I use on my Keg and my 18 WSM. After watching the video I think I may be putting in to much lit charcoal but even saying that, each cooker seems to have that sweet spot and once it is there it holds there perfectly. My WSM seems to like 245-255 and my Keg seems to like 265-280*.

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