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BBQ Steaks?


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Apr 8, 2004
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Ok Guys, next question as I learn.

I have 3 neighbors who swear you can BBQ/Smoke a steak.
This runs contrary to everything I have ever thought!!!
Steaks are to be grilled--short time, hot, and medium-rare.

I have searched here and the web, and the info is about ZERO.

So, can your smoke/BBQ a steak?
If so, what is the technique?
What am I missing?


Okay Tim.

This takes explaining.

On a recent family reunion at my house (previously posted but lost) I had like 8 filet mignon that I put "above" my heat shield (170 range) for 3 hours.

These farkers came out AWESOME.

If you get a chance to slow smoke, I strongly encourage it
ok... i can chime in.

Filet minions and large prime ribs ROASTS can be done. But bring them to 130-135 in the smoke and then a quick roll over the hot coals to finish them off. Bring them to 145 over the coals then take them off!! no higher than 145!! The temps climb real quick while they rest.

Now for steaks. I do shell and sirloins in there alot.

make a big hot fire, and BBQ them steaks on the bottom shelf, next to the firebox. Not so much a low and slow thing here.. kinda like offset cooking but right next to the fire. I prefer to do steaks in my horizontal cookers, the hondo or BYC and cook em right next to the firebox in the hot spot. When I do it in the bandera, i dont use the water pan, and cook on the shelf that would normally be immediately above the waterpan. I bring them to Rare, and then a quick toss over the coals to sear them a bit. Inch thick steaks are done in about 30-40 minutes.

other alternative... low and slow at 250 to 140, Then wrap, cooler and rest. My personal preference.. I LIKE the taste of steak.... at low and slow they absorb alot of smoke and the flavor changes.... not my preference. thats why I like the hotspot technique, cooks them fast enuf that they dont absorb too much smoke. Experiment!!! see which ya like better.
BBQchef33 said:
Then wrap, cooler and rest.

i figure wrap is aluminum foil; what is cooler and rest?
Put the wrapped goods in a cooler (to help retain heat) for a period of time to rest (allow the juices to redistribute). On more std Q items (butts, ribs, brisket, pork loin) this cooler method works wonders for those patient enough, after wrapping a butt at 160 then cooking to 200 internal, then sticking in a cooler until it comes down to 160 or so again will yield true teeth optional Q.
OK, I heard about tihs sometime ago, but have not tried it yet. Some group I was on got into this and everybody raved about it. Thye were smoking steaks at low temps for about 20 minutes to half an hour. Not cooking them. Then, they were pulled off and cooled. A couple were saved for throwing on the grill after cooling. The rest were frozen for later grilling. I fully entended on trying this sometime when I bought a family pack of steaks, but have not.

Maybe this is what you heard about. Low and slow on a regular steak may dry the thing out, of course there is always bacon.
thanks for the info!
ParrotHead (and all),
Thanks. These techniques may what they are talking about.
I think I will wait till I get more experience before I gamble on an expensive cut of meat.
That is, unless one of those fools wants to provide a test steak or two. :lol:

We had some friends over last night. Spent the day cooking 2 briskets and 9 racks of Babybacks(pics in another post).

But this is a steak thread... so....... the original plan was steaks for dinner.. the babybacks were just cause i wasnted to cook and i got a few orders from friends to make them. So for dinner... we got 4 20 oz porterhouses, 4 shells and 4 filet mignons. Made a marinade of half cup teriyaki, quater cup worsey, 1/4 cup gravy master and a few shakes of pic-a-peppa sauce and thru in some montreal steak seasoning. Marinaded them for about 2 hours. Last 20 minutes I sat them in the smoker next to the ribs just to warm them up while I prepped the Kettle. Pooled the marinade on top of the steaks. Where Im going with this u ask?

Took a full chimney of kinsford and a second full chimney of mesquite chunks. Got them both blazing over the turkey fryer burner then threw them in the weber kettle, added more mesquite. Had the entire bottom of the kettle loaded, double thick with red hot coals. Fire had to be upwards of 900-1000 degrees.... couldn't hold your hand over it more than a second. The steaks were warnm when i put them on, seared black on the outside right away and flipped it after 20 seconds or so, 3 minutes on the second side and flipped them, another minute or 2 on that side.. tookem off at 145.

tell ya ladies.. when it comes to steaks... a HOT fire, real fast over mesquite... aint nothing like it. Pig that i am, ate a whole porterhouse and then a filet my self.... another guest ate 2 porterhouses. the wifes ate up the filets and shells with the kids.. we had 12 big steaks, 4 adults and 3 kids..

There is one shell left.

All this after we snacked on a few racks of baby backs as an appetizer..

what a bunch of pigs!. :mrgreen: (do pigs eat beef?)
There is one shell left.
Phil, forgive an uncultured midwest Brother and tell me what this is. I've heard the term and can't remember what we call it here. Seems like it's a strip steak here. In exchange for the info I will PM you my adress and you can send the leftover to me so it won't stink up your frige :wink: .
Thanks kc, at 61, I thought I might be the only one not knowing what a shell steak is :!: :oops:
Shell Steak = NY Strip Steak = NY steak = Kansas city strip = boneless club steak = club steak. should be at least an inch thick.. inch and half is my preference.

the shell comes from the short loin of the beef. prettty sure its the larger side of the porterhouse opposite the filet with the bone removed. Shell is my favorite cut....Real tender with alot of flavor.

heres a link that'll explain all the cuts.


(** FYI..Sometimes in restaurants I have ordered a "club" steak also called a delmonico. Its more like a rib eye IMHO. Not as good. Instead of coming from from the porterhouse, Its cut thinner, it looks more like its from the T-bone.)
When I traveled a lot, I noticed the resturants in the mid west mostly called it NY Strip Steak and in NY they mostly called it Kansas City Strip, I quess the futher away from where you are eating the more expensive they can make it sound. Never heard it called shell anywhere, thanks.
POOPIE nothing like a inch and a half medium rare rib eye. just my 2 pennies.